Biggest Regrets


Well-Known Member
19 Jan 2009
Under your bed, playing Monopoly with the Bogeyman
My biggest regret was not moving into student accommodation when I was at Uni, and stayed at home. Really missed out on the full 'experience', and could have added a lot more notches to my bed post, to boot.

Got a few regrets but that my biggest on I think. I would urge anyone who is going to uni, even one close to home, MOVE IN.

What's yours?
Mine is not going to Uni full stop!
My sister was begging me to go sayinh she would pay for me to go etc but all I wanted to do was sit in the bookies all day!
Also had a few chances of learning a trade but same thing, too interested in horses and fruit machines!
Most of my mistakes relvolve around my gambling...probably why I dont gamble anymore! : )
Saying all that, Im doing well now and if I would of gone to uni or got a trade I probably wouldnt of met my wife and had my little girl!
C'est la vie though hey?
Losing "the one" is mine. Just got "comfortable" then bored. Im a fooking idiot, i'm destined to be...

Pigeonho said:
Not treating my ex, the mother of my kids, with the respect that she deserved. That is, and always will be my biggest regret ever.

My partners got 3 kids from her ex, proper nobhead in his day, but cant fault him these days. Takes care of his kids and pays his way, like a proper dad. Id love to take the youngest City, but out of respect i dont, hes a rag and that would be taking the piss. If some bloke ever took my son to the swamp, wed be having words.

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