Biggest Regrets

i can certainly say i regret quite a few things i've done,some involve trusting the wrong people,some financial mistakes (one in particular) but the biggest involved a beautiful girl and the fact i was too young and took her for granted!
Anyone who claims they have no regrets isn't being truthful to themselves , we all have them to different extents .......

i've got too many to list , but you rarely get second chances in life.
Clubber said:
My biggest regret was not moving into student accommodation when I was at Uni, and stayed at home. Really missed out on the full 'experience', and could have added a lot more notches to my bed post, to boot.

Got a few regrets but that my biggest on I think. I would urge anyone who is going to uni, even one close to home, MOVE IN.

What's yours?

Alot of my mates would say this too, I think I'm the rare case that actually prefers (in some, but not all ways) to live at home. I lived out last year, and as much as I loved the social side at times, lack of sleep got to me in the end, lack of funds, being ill all the time, and I clearly fell behind with Uni etc etc. It's not all it's cracked up to be, and so long as your a sociable person you can get the same experience or near enough living at home. I guess it's just more difficult, but it's still do-able!
not reading enough books, either for learning or enjoyment. too much time online these days.

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