Biggest shithole you've ever been too?

Have to add to the votes for Stoke. Used to drive through every Friday evening and still wonder why anyone would want to live there.

Middlesbrough is another. Had a free Hilton weekend a few years ago and that was the only place we could get. What a dump (although the countryside around is nice).

Also agree with East London. The area around West Ham is one of the most depressing I've ever seen and bits of Hackney/Tower Hamlets aren't up to much.

Worked in Northampton a few times and there's some grim bits there.

But the area around CoMS is about the worst in the country I reckon. Gas holders, railway viaducts, boarded up houses, the lot.
Memphis, Tennesse: Those who have been know why
Bakersfield, California

I've read that parts of Glasgow have some life expectancies comparable to those of 3rd world countries but I've never been.

Well it would seem that the majority of 'mooners in this thread have never been out of the country.

Some of the backstreets of Bangkok are like a living hell. The port terminal In Cadiz can be very dangerous and Azerbaijhan airport is pretty grim.

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