Bin men

the sooner these so called workers are added to the list of people who have to check for illigal immigrants the better. They are very good at snooping around our rubbish and deciding that the lid isn't quite down enough so refusing to take it so will be ideally suited to sniffing out the 32 million illegals that are spending our hard-earned tax on mobility scooters and translators for their "whiplash" claims, whilst working as bogus taxi drivers...
jacko74 said:
Binmen are the last great bastion of arrogant, petty-minded, socialist, public sector 'workers' who wouldn't know what a full days work is if it slapped them in the face.

Sooner they all get contracted out the better.

yep agree put them on zero contract hours minimum wage and fight each other for any of the spoils that they might find lurking at bottom of someone's bin.
You wont believe this, but... This morning, putting my blue bin in the back of the truck was...a woman! A binwoman! What the hell is going on
Carstairs said:
CTID1988 said:
You wont believe this, but... This morning, putting my blue bin in the back of the truck was...a woman! A binwoman! What the hell is going on

Was she fit?

Definitely. Lifting bins all day has to be good cardio
ifiwasarichfan said:
I will see you a Bin man and raise with a Doctor's receptionist.

Every single one of them trained at woman School.
Bang on. Had the misfortune of dealing with one of these awful creatures only yesterday. I had the most obnoxious grilling off this cow, clearly aimed at sifting me out or putting me off going. After being spoken to like a twat for ages I had to tell her "look love, I'm sure you get some timewasters and malingerers down there but look, I'm a single 38 yr bloke with a full time job, in fact I'm in work right now, and I'm busy. I've got a million things to do and a million places to be and would rather any one of them over being in the doctor's cos they're all more fun. Believe me, I don't want to be bothering you. But I just need to see a doctor, for the first time in years too. Give over with the attitude". It worked anyway, I suppose sometimes you've just got to treat rude people rudely.
Uncle Wally One Ball said:
ifiwasarichfan said:
I will see you a Bin man and raise with a Doctor's receptionist.

Every single one of them trained at woman School.
Bang on. Had the misfortune of dealing with one of these awful creatures only yesterday. I had the most obnoxious grilling off this cow, clearly aimed at sifting me out or putting me off going. After being spoken to like a twat for ages I had to tell her "look love, I'm sure you get some timewasters and malingerers down there but look, I'm a single 38 yr bloke with a full time job, in fact I'm in work right now, and I'm busy. I've got a million things to do and a million places to be and would rather any one of them over being in the doctor's cos they're all more fun. Believe me, I don't want to be bothering you. But I just need to see a doctor, for the first time in years too. Give over with the attitude". It worked anyway, I suppose sometimes you've just got to treat rude people rudely.

A few weeks ago I was picking up a repeat prescription when the practise nurse butted in telling me i didnt need the medication. I have never seen this nurse before and her attitude was really aggressive, well i just snapped , "do you know more than my GP love, dont you just clean old peoples arses, keep your fuckin nose out of my business, cue silence in the waiting room, everyone listening receptionist cowering me ranting like a nutter.
Every time I go in there now I can see them thinking " heres that nutter", but never get any problems with them anymore. I did write a letter to my doctor informing him that his nurse has more knowledge of medicine than him, not seen her since.
Uncle Wally One Ball said:
ifiwasarichfan said:
I will see you a Bin man and raise with a Doctor's receptionist.

Every single one of them trained at woman School.
Bang on. Had the misfortune of dealing with one of these awful creatures only yesterday. I had the most obnoxious grilling off this cow, clearly aimed at sifting me out or putting me off going. After being spoken to like a twat for ages I had to tell her "look love, I'm sure you get some timewasters and malingerers down there but look, I'm a single 38 yr bloke with a full time job, in fact I'm in work right now, and I'm busy. I've got a million things to do and a million places to be and would rather any one of them over being in the doctor's cos they're all more fun. Believe me, I don't want to be bothering you. But I just need to see a doctor, for the first time in years too. Give over with the attitude". It worked anyway, I suppose sometimes you've just got to treat rude people rudely.
They dont like the ''look love'' saying, i had an awkward obnoxious female bus driver once going on at me and i said ''look love i have had a shocking day at work and just want to get home'' that was it ''dont call me love'' i just got off the bus and went for a pint or 3, years ago women never used to be offended by the word ''love'' whats got into them lately

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