Bin men

I never thought I`d see the day..
a thread about fuckin bin men..
I`m a lazy,half arsed,bin man and this thread has me pissing my pants with laughter...
it`s quite clear that people havn`t got a scoobies about a job they`d never do...
but keep em coming folks...
BimboBob said:
My binmen refused to collect my bin from my drive as it has a slight slope. They then demanded an apology as I left them a note calling them fat lazy wankers.

why should they collect it off ur drive??????? I thought it was a kerbside collection
route46 said:
BimboBob said:
My binmen refused to collect my bin from my drive as it has a slight slope. They then demanded an apology as I left them a note calling them fat lazy wankers.

why should they collect it off ur drive??????? I thought it was a kerbside collection

Na mate thats prostitution.
pominoz said:
dazdon said:
Binmen were quiet in the good old days when they carried the bins over their shoulders etc...

Now they are noisy bastards who wake the street up with their clattering.

When will someone invent hover bins?

I was a over the shoulder bin man, great days and we would have a wake up day as we did it, making so much noise that we woke people up, if we had to get up at 5-30 they should know about it ;).

The good old days of bags over your shoulder, seem like good old days as long as it was not you that got cut by broken glass or syringes, as we often did.
What yard did you work at in North Manchester i started at grimshaw lane but the wagons from russet rd used to come to our yard for the spare men
Tuearts right boot said:
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Anyone put out a bin for French binmen with the wrong stuff in? Sellotaped up with all kinds of French invective tellin' us to fuckin' get it sorted!

And anyone still call 'em 'dustbinmen'?

That would be Sylvan Dustbin

...or Zinedine Binmane.
I don't have an issue with our binmen, but judging by the venom of the op, one of them must be shagging his missus.
Juan King said:
ifiwasarichfan said:
I will see you a Bin man and raise with a Doctor's receptionist.

Every single one of them trained at woman School.

The receptionist at my GP's always wants to interrogate me as to why I want to see the doctor, if I wanted to discuss my ailments with her, then I would book an appointment with her rather than a GP. Really unhelpful, miserable cow she is.

Our bin men are alright and always take away extra recycling.

The receptionist at our GP's is lovely and brought me a cup of tea when I was clearly unwell in the waiting room.

Our walk-in staff are also nice. Any time they ask you what the ailment is, just look them in the face, wrinkle your nose and say 'It's a bit personal'. Last time I was ill, she asked me to sit where she could see me and rushed me through in 5 minutes.
I don't need some half arsed clown to empty my rubbish anyway ,id rather do it myself and get £500 whatever off the rates
why cant people take their rubbish to a designated skip its easy enough and no more cocky bin men ,sweet
henryhoover said:
I don't need some half arsed clown to empty my rubbish anyway ,id rather do it myself and get £500 whatever off the rates
why cant people take their rubbish to a designated skip its easy enough and no more cocky bin men ,sweet

It would be full of rats.
Over the last 6 months I've to deal with my mums Doctors receptionists, her binmen and the blokes at the tip, the tax man, Sky, Social services and a whole raft of other services. Haven't got a bad word to say against them, well apart from the twats at HSBC in Mumbai. Maybe I'm just a really nice guy and they can feel the lurve.

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