Question people need too ask then is the party just getting started or is it already over?
My Personal opinion is crypto still has at least another 2 years of growth.
Crypto currency has growth potential.
But at the moment we're in a speculation bubble where people don't understand what it is they are purchasing nor how it derives its value. They're gambling, and gambling on something that they can't explain how it works. Quick buck gold rushers. They're chasing a price.
Some will get out at the right time, most won't and will lose thousands.
What we're seeing is a new digital bubble no different from dot com bubble. Imitators have flooded the market and the price has shot up as people chase the early adopter rewards. None of these imitators will ever be used to actually purchase goods or services. The industry leader isn't fit for purpose and will crash. Everybody thinks they're smart enough to pick the winning horse, everybody always does