Bitter ex players, trust and money...

IrishMacca said:
The Pink Panther said:
Perhaps when they were being paid thousands of pounds a week and not playing for us, they invested a little bit of time on a computer course and have learned how to copy and paste

Oh come on, how many players have left clubs over the years, Chelsea, Arsenal, United, Liverpool..etc all paid a ridiculous amount, and how many of them have had this many come out and speak out against their clubs.
I'm just wondering, maybe, if there might be some truth to it, and that is worrying.
And it is not the job of the club to just keep the starting 11/or the squad, happy and treat the rest badly as the ex players have suggested, a top class squad makes a top class team, but the players outside the squad push them, and it has a knock on effect.
It's just something to think about. If only our starting 11 are happy and the atmosphere is how the ex players suggested, well that is worrying. IF there is truth to it. I'm not sure there is, but one or two, that's a coincidence, that's a few bad apples, but this many..seems a bit too much for me.

I have had the same worry as well. It's not just the odd player or two making these comments, but a steady stream of players all with the same complaints. The saying "no smoke without fire" comes to mind. To be fair though, the club has treated a good number of these players poorly in the way they have handled their departures from the club so that likely has a large part to play in the player's bitterness.

In the grand scheme of things though, this bitterness was an inevitable thing given all the upheaval that was caused when sacking Hughes and bringing in Mancini. I was against the Hughes sacking for this reason mainly that I knew it would bring a lot of disharmony to the club as a new manager always means new players. If we fail to miss Champion's League again this year, then the sacking of Hughes in my mind will simply have been a wasted year.

It would have made more sense to let Hughes finish out the year and then bring in a new manager and players in the off season rather then bringing in a new manager mid-season who has since struggled to gain the confidence or backing of a number of those old players. The overall situation was poorly handled and smacks of the "typical City" tag.
I think the point a bunch of people seem to be missing is that it was inevitable with wholesale changes to the squad three years on the bounce, that there were going to be players who were forced out who didn't necessarily want to leave. I think Dunne, Neds, and dare I say it, Ireland, would fall into that category.

Now, they've all said things about what went on, but what seems to be lost is that none of them slagged off City as a club, or it's supporters. They all had pops at the likes of Cook, Marwood, and Mancini - and well, so be it.

I'm not saying that those players should have not been sold - the manager must pick and choose his squad as he sees fit - but if those players have a little moan, they're entitled to. They were at City for a long time, and maybe they felt that in the end that counted for nothing. Bitter? Yeah, probably a little...

But what I can't fathom is all this "fuck this, fuck them, knobheads, we're so much better now blah blah blah..." Just makes us sound like arrogant cunts. Would be much classier in my opinion to just go "fair enough, they've got their gripes...they're entitled to air them. we've got a top class squad of players who are here...lets get on with supporting them..."
Imo there is both a bitterness from the players and a hint of truth in what they are saying, remember they're not slagging us the fans just people who work within our club.

Unfortunately for some players the rug will be pulled from under their feet, if they really showed their true worth on the pitch they would still be here..... (probably)
BillyShears said:
I think the point a bunch of people seem to be missing is that it was inevitable with wholesale changes to the squad three years on the bounce, that there were going to be players who were forced out who didn't necessarily want to leave. I think Dunne, Neds, and dare I say it, Ireland, would fall into that category.

Now, they've all said things about what went on, but what seems to be lost is that none of them slagged off City as a club, or it's supporters. They all had pops at the likes of Cook, Marwood, and Mancini - and well, so be it.

I'm not saying that those players should have not been sold - the manager must pick and choose his squad as he sees fit - but if those players have a little moan, they're entitled to. They were at City for a long time, and maybe they felt that in the end that counted for nothing. Bitter? Yeah, probably a little...

But what I can't fathom is all this "fuck this, fuck them, knobheads, we're so much better now blah blah blah..." Just makes us sound like arrogant *****. Would be much classier in my opinion to just go "fair enough, they've got their gripes...they're entitled to air them. we've got a top class squad of players who are here...lets get on with supporting them..."
well said and I agree... i have no problem that Dunne, Ned and Ireland has gripes with some of the leaders at our club because all of those was forced out of the club and they all were blue in heart...

My problem is players like Petrov and benjani saying stuff... they went through their contracts and left as free agents...
The Fixer said:
Imo there is both a bitterness from the players and a hint of truth in what they are saying, remember they're not slagging us the fans just people who work within our club.

Unfortunately for some players the rug will be pulled from under their feet, if they really showed their true worth on the pitch they would still be here..... (probably)

Yes, like Bellamy that tosser. How dare he only score 10 goals for us with 7 or 8 assists. Crap on the pitch right? The fact is that a good number of the players who were moved on were moved on for polictical rather than playing reasons and that is where the bitterness comes from. Us fans slagging them off as being inferior players speaks more about us than them. I utterly detest the saying "Not good enough for where we're going/Not good enough for where we want to be". I usually stop reading a thread when I come across that line as I can be sure the rest of the thread is usually full of glory hunters.
macmanson said:
The Fixer said:
Imo there is both a bitterness from the players and a hint of truth in what they are saying, remember they're not slagging us the fans just people who work within our club.

Unfortunately for some players the rug will be pulled from under their feet, if they really showed their true worth on the pitch they would still be here..... (probably)

Yes, like Bellamy that tosser. How dare he only score 10 goals for us with 7 or 8 assists. Crap on the pitch right? The fact is that a good number of the players who were moved on were moved on for polictical rather than playing reasons and that is where the bitterness comes from. Us fans slagging them off as being inferior players speaks more about us than them. I utterly detest the saying "Not good enough for where we're going/Not good enough for where we want to be". I usually stop reading a thread when I come across that line as I can be sure the rest of the thread is usually full of glory hunters.

I like bellers and wish he was still here, like i posted previous bitterness from benji and the like but he clearly wasn't good enough, and no doubt certain people at the club probably have been a bit twatish but hey ho we carry on as always ctid!
Benjani left the club in June when his lucrative Contract ran out. The Club had fulfilled their part of the Agreement and Mr Benjani had been paid upto date and received no doubt astonishing performance bonus's and other such trite that seems to be applied to football players contracts.

Now some 2 months later he sidles into another position and the first thing he is asked or profers an opinion on is against one of many former employers. Total dickhead and I hope he fails to make the team as I understand he is on a paid as you play method.

Total arsehole and shit at his job to boot!!!

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