Bitter ex players, trust and money...

the blue panther said:
It comes down to the short-termism which is inherant when there are frequent changes at the club. We've seen over the summer Mancini starting to weed out the players he doesn't fancy and bring in the new ones he does. This is within a short time of Hughes having done that, Ericson before him; Keegan before him....etc. A sense of belonging and confidence can only come when the manager and players have been in place for several years.
Over at the swamp, it's that confidence in each other and sense of belonging, which carries them through so many games - which comes from the fact that Fergie managed to survive that first few years when things were decidedly dodgy for him, but he and his senior players have now been there 20 years or so. The team ethic is stronger there than anywhere else in the prem, imho. And Christ, how they've reeped the benefit. Hopefully, we'll have some of that coupled with a feeling of loyalty, in the coming years.
That's why for me, it's imperitive that we stick with Mancini for more than just this season - even if it does start to go a little pearshaped. I know we expect top 4 but it may not happen. If we ship him out, the buying and selling will have to start all over again. We need - as many have said on here before - stability.


As for players getting brave after they've gone, giving us shit. To me it just makes them look like the bitter ex-girlfriend who you're better off without!
People who say how good a pro Rocky is and Bellers is about not saying anything bad about the club. Well would you if the club were still paying your wages I dont think so. As soon as they are not getting paid by City we will hear there real views on what went on at the club during there time at the club. So will they be classed as Bitter Ex Players then.
Its really unfair to say players from other clubs don't moan when released but too many of ours seem all too ready to give us negative press. Maybe its because we're ''the new kids on the block'' and not a day goes by without a story on City in the media? Its not really big news when Ibrahimovic says Pep didnt speak to him for six months is it? Rather a player who has been released months ago gets a new club and the first question is how he was ''treated by the club'' whatever that means. Its the current trend but people still hang on to every word these players say.

The club doesn't have to keep players for sentimental reasons if they need to be moved on for whatever reason.
corky1970 said:
citymad said:
Good lord, what have we become ? I wonder sometimes if having this wealth is a good thing.

Every day i come into work, batting off bile and shit form my collegues cos a story in the paper is slagging my club off again
Every day i switch on the Tv ,some muppett is having a go at City and telling lies.
Every day the papers run a story about how bad things are at our club
Every day im being told the players we have signed are shit
Every day lies, sinister bitter people slagging everything to do wit City.
Now if a player gave a flying fuck about how us City fans are fire fighting knobhead comments every day , if they new that some fans arnt as confident or forthright and cant fight their own corner,. then they would just simply just accept that they are VERY well paid professionals, and its time to move on.

But to ADD to the fire, to ADD to the shit we have been taking is unforgivable.
i support the club, ill support anyplayer wearing the shirt., its nothing to do with the new wealth , its all about dignity and waering your colours with pride.
and im not going to let some jumped up millionaire fuckwad tell me my club is shit !

Amen to that Corky. Petrov did it now Benjani is at it. They wouldn't have got in the squad anyway. Why not show a bit of class? They were on good wages and now they are just slagging us off. Show's how professional they are. Look at Bellamy's comments compared to theirs.
corky1970 said:
citymad said:
Good lord, what have we become ? I wonder sometimes if having this wealth is a good thing.

Every day i come into work, batting off bile and shit form my collegues cos a story in the paper is slagging my club off again
Every day i switch on the Tv ,some muppett is having a go at City and telling lies.
Every day the papers run a story about how bad things are at our club
Every day im being told the players we have signed are shit
Every day lies, sinister bitter people slagging everything to do wit City.
Now if a player gave a flying fuck about how us City fans are fire fighting knobhead comments every day , if they new that some fans arnt as confident or forthright and cant fight their own corner,. then they would just simply just accept that they are VERY well paid professionals, and its time to move on.

But to ADD to the fire, to ADD to the shit we have been taking is unforgivable.
i support the club, ill support anyplayer wearing the shirt., its nothing to do with the new wealth , its all about dignity and waering your colours with pride.
and im not going to let some jumped up millionaire fuckwad tell me my club is shit !

Good job it's saturday tomorrow then , It will be Robinho's turn in the weekend papers.

You know its coming..
"Can I have a transfer, Boss?"

Don't remember any of them asking for one, so it seems they were all fairly happy here until they were moved on - by the Club - not by their choice.

Sour grapes.
nijinskybell said:
"Can I have a transfer, Boss?"

Don't remember any of them asking for one, so it seems they were all fairly happy here until they were moved on - by the Club - not by their choice.

Sour grapes.

Spot on. The fact is they are no longer good enough for where we want to be and have become casualties of City raising the bar. No-one likes to be told you aren't up to it and some even react badly. What we're seeing is immature players spitting the dummy out instead of getting their heads down doing a job at their new clubs and new levels.......
They have all been well paid for their time here, how many have gone to top clubs ? Non, that must tell them something.
CityPar said:
nijinskybell said:
"Can I have a transfer, Boss?"

Don't remember any of them asking for one, so it seems they were all fairly happy here until they were moved on - by the Club - not by their choice.

Sour grapes.

Spot on. The fact is they are no longer good enough for where we want to be and have become casualties of City raising the bar. No-one likes to be told you aren't up to it and some even react badly. What we're seeing is immature players spitting the dummy out instead of getting their heads down doing a job at their new clubs and new levels.......

Your comment misses the whole point though. It's not that the players were moved on, it's the manner in which they were moved on that is the issue. The club has show a real lack of tact when it comes to dismissing players. These weren't players that asked to be moved, they were players the club deemed to be surplus to requirements and the club could have made minimal effort to curtail all of this negative press by simply extending some gratitude to the players they are forcing out.

If the club simply released a little blurb from the manager stating that the player's time at the club was invaluable, he was a good guy, etc, than these comments wouldn't have a leg to stand on and the player's would look petty. Irregardless if we mean the comments or not, the fact that you say them nullifies any attempt to be petty afterwards.

The press is just continuing to build on the owners being ruthless because of the way that Hughes was sacked and now how these players are being shipped out without a word. The Hughes sacking has already wet the media's appetite and you can be rest assured that Mancini's every move will be magnified and scrutinized to death. We all know that as soon as Mancini loses his 3rd game before Christmas that the media is going to be beying for blood because a British manager was sacked with only 2 losses.

The fact of the matter is that the club have brought this shit on themselves because of horrible PR management. Whoever handles the club's PR needs to be demoted, or more suitably, sacked without prejudice.

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