Bitter ex players, trust and money...

corky1970 said:
these players thought they were doing City a " favour" by playing for us.

and to be honest i felt that way too, its been hard to shake of the "liccle city" tag
and the "were not worthy" attitude.
so whenthese players joined was always with the expectation they were better than the club deserved.
now with our new found professional attituDe, owners and money, revamped facilities and upgrades behind the scenes, better players coming in.
were not Liccle City " anymore.
and these bitter twats are getting found out, they were never here for the club or the fans.just for the money ....they were doing us a favour by playing for us.

but guess what knobheads....weve got winners in your place now.real pro's .world class in every position.and you aint invited


Good lord, what have we become ? I wonder sometimes if having this wealth is a good thing.
The Fixer said:
macmanson said:
Yes, like Bellamy that tosser. How dare he only score 10 goals for us with 7 or 8 assists. Crap on the pitch right? The fact is that a good number of the players who were moved on were moved on for polictical rather than playing reasons and that is where the bitterness comes from. Us fans slagging them off as being inferior players speaks more about us than them. I utterly detest the saying "Not good enough for where we're going/Not good enough for where we want to be". I usually stop reading a thread when I come across that line as I can be sure the rest of the thread is usually full of glory hunters.

I like bellers and wish he was still here, like i posted previous bitterness from benji and the like but he clearly wasn't good enough, and no doubt certain people at the club probably have been a bit twatish but hey ho we carry on as always ctid!

But players from top clubs, Liverpool, Arsenal, United..etc countless of players have left their clubs, players who weren't good enough, players the managers didn't like or whatever, but they have been top teams for much longer than we have, and rarely do they have so many players come out and speak against them in the manner of which many of our lads have.

The players were treated badly, and that's what concerns me, and what's worrying is that it doesn't really seem to worry ye at all, saying well they weren't good enough anyway. That's not the point.
But we shouldn't have this many disgruntled players leavnig and saying what they're saying, and it's too many to right of as they're all just a bunch of whimps or whatever.
It's players like Dunne I feel bad for..he was treated badly, and he's done nothing but be a true blue, I mean at one stage he was mr Man City wasn't he, he was the captain, he was the figure, the leader.
As for Ireland..God I remember the histeria around him, looking back now we all wonder, why did we care, and this I saw the other day sums it up best..

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 15997.html</a>

He's no stomach for a fight, he's nothing but a brat, but again, he didn't deserve to be thrown out the way he did, I mean he was with us since a very young age, we could have developed him, but again, for a player who was with the club so long you would have expected that he would have had something positive to say and the fact that he didn't was worrying, and the same goes for Dunne.

On their own, you can right off what they all said has just bitter players having a good moan, but put them all together and it's looking like a really long list..hopefully it wont get any longer.

For me the money has done this, and I hate that, it's changed the club, and it's changing who we are, even the most passionate City supporters are forgetting what we are..what we were.

I said before that it'd be a bad day, the day we turned into Chelsea, and I stand by that. The day our packed stadium is deafeningly quiet, and all that's left is wash ins with little plastic designer flags, and nothing but the odd rendition of City, City. It'll be a sad day for us all.

Not for some though, because for some of ye, the ends justify the means. Can't see it though, and couldn't stomach it.
BillyShears said:
corky1970 said:
but guess what knobheads....weve got winners in your place now.real pro's .world class in every position.and you aint invites


That typifies just how ungracious City fans have become in recent months...
Telling the losers moaning about our club is ungracious? Bollocks it is Billy.<br /><br />-- Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:36 pm --<br /><br />
IrishMacca said:
corky1970 said:
i really think its is just the bitter ramblings, weve just been unlucky to have so many precious little girlies playing for us at the same time , and they have been found out !

I think the fact that RSC has not come out and said the same thing proves that all is well behind the scenes and he is a better professional

But him being a better professional doesn't mean things are all good.
I just think when you look at how many have come out and said what they've said, and how similar their comments are, for me it's one too many. Usually you don't get that many bad apples in a bunch and usually other players come out and talk it down, say how ridiculous it is..etc. For me, it's a few too many. Maybe there is, and I hate saying it, a bit of truth in what they're saying. Could there be?

Ha! You hate saying that as much as I hate watching Tevez score against your beloved Rags.

Stop pretending to be a blue. I wouldn't mind your "different" take on all things City if you were open about not supporting them. It is not big, nor is it clever.
Most if not all of these players were never going to be good enough to take us forward, if they were we would have been in a better place before the take over. To many thinking they are super stars, all having achieved little or nothing as pro footballers, certainly as part of the city side anyway.
Dunne was a nice guy, and had some occasional great games. To many basic errors and not consistant week in week out. Voted player of the year so many times that if anything it only high lighted the standard of players we had at the club. Sorry but he captained us to nothing, those are the facts.
Stephen Irland had one very good season. Most of the time his head is nowhere near a football pitch. Big pay packet with bad taste in cars and huge fish tanks. His mind was never fully on the job. Not consistant in anyway, but capable of the odd sterling performance, just to few to make him a long term club player.
Benjani, Not a premier league footballer.
Martin Petrov, odd flashes, but lazy in the extreme. I dont think he ever broke into a sweat in a city shirt, and rarely tracked back.
The list goes on. They had a chance to shine at the richest club in the world, some just were not good enough and they knew it, others feared the stiff competion, (including robinho who's attitude amounted to moral breach of contract) and some just did'nt care less.

We need players who want to win, even if the club isnt in their hearts thats fine, and its good enough that they want to win for themselves as proffesional footballers. NO MORE UNDER ACHIEVERS, NO MORE POTENTIAL THAT NEVER SHOWS ITSELF. AND NO MORE LAZY STARS WHO HAVE ACHIEVED NOWT!
Best proffesional footballer in my opinion...tin hat on. Ryan Giggs who is one Championship short of being the most honoured player ever in world football. Stephen Irland and the like are not in the same book let alone on the same page. Thats the truth of it. I love the club as a life long supporter, hopefully we will have the players now who can be the real deal hero's and not just the to little to often sorts we have had in most cases in the recent past.
citymad said:
corky1970 said:
these players thought they were doing City a " favour" by playing for us.

and to be honest i felt that way too, its been hard to shake of the "liccle city" tag
and the "were not worthy" attitude.
so whenthese players joined was always with the expectation they were better than the club deserved.
now with our new found professional attituDe, owners and money, revamped facilities and upgrades behind the scenes, better players coming in.
were not Liccle City " anymore.
and these bitter twats are getting found out, they were never here for the club or the fans.just for the money ....they were doing us a favour by playing for us.

but guess what knobheads....weve got winners in your place now.real pro's .world class in every position.and you aint invited


Good lord, what have we become ? I wonder sometimes if having this wealth is a good thing.

The fact that you exclaim with "Good lord" suggests you may be out of touch with the majority of our fans.

Corky is bob on I'm afraid.
Dunno what the problem is with sending Ireland to train with the reserves, he couldn't live on his past exploits forever and was never going to get first team action again anyway, where else should he have been sent to train ?
We want players we can trust to do the business on the pitch, this is why the likes of Martin Petrov and especially Benjani don't play for Manchester City any more.
bluemoon32 said:
Dunno what the problem is with sending Ireland to train with the reserves, he couldn't live on his past exploits forever and was never going to get first team action again anyway, where else should he have been sent to train ?

The problem was that it was an insult to Ireland and his contributions to the club over the years. Milner openly pushed for a move with his bosses but wasn't pushed to the reserves to train. In fact, he trained and played with the first team right up until the transfer day. Ireland wasn't sent to train with the reserves because he wasn't in the first team picture, but because he wouldn't act as a makeweight in the Milner deal.

He didn't ask to leave the club, he was forced out to make way for another player under a new manager. He had every right to hold out for a loyalty payment and every right to slag the club after the way he was treated. Business is still a game of human emotions and City seem to be doing a pretty terrible job at it. Everyone knew we'd be in tough with players because of the new manager and signings, but there is a way to gracefully handle the departure of players but we just haven't done it. The club as well as the players have been equally cockish about the way they have gone about their business but it's unfair to slate just the players. If we want it to stop, then the club needs to set the example like it did with Bellamy. Once the club sent Bellamy to Cardiff, Mancini had nice things to say about Bellamy and wished him well, even dropping a subtle hint that Bellamy could possibly return to the club at some point. Once those words were spoken, the whole thing died down in the press and both parties are now happy with what they've got and spoke professionally about each other. That should be the example set for every player.
I wonder what exactly people mean when they say how badly these players were treated when leaving. How were these grown men on fat wages supposed to be treated? They've obviously lost perspective on how good they have it. What was the club supposed to do? Hug and kiss them? Put an arm around their shoulders and apologise that they have to be released or replaced? In some cases when their contracts were up? Its so bloody awful making someone train in the reserves isn't it? Even though it was clear they had no future with the first team. Obviously their rants are working because when you repeat something often enough people start to actually believe it. So they're entitled to a little moan about our club which the media will no doubt but an even worse spin on but when fans call them classless knobs then ''oh whats happening to our fans?''

I support the club not the bitter rumblings of an ex player who knows its all too easy to jump on the ''they've got no team spirit'' or ''the manager does not speak to me'' bandwagon. They're highly paid professionals who need to get over it focus on their new clubs and be grateful they were ever associated with our club.
It is getting very boring in what angle the media is going at. The questions are loaded for a start and the players are giving them the bullets to fire at us. Sorry Benjani sorry Stephen and sorry Martin you had your chances to impress and you have fallen quite short.

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