Bitter ex players, trust and money...

macmanson said:
CityPar said:
Spot on. The fact is they are no longer good enough for where we want to be and have become casualties of City raising the bar. No-one likes to be told you aren't up to it and some even react badly. What we're seeing is immature players spitting the dummy out instead of getting their heads down doing a job at their new clubs and new levels.......

Your comment misses the whole point though. It's not that the players were moved on, it's the manner in which they were moved on that is the issue. The club has show a real lack of tact when it comes to dismissing players. These weren't players that asked to be moved, they were players the club deemed to be surplus to requirements and the club could have made minimal effort to curtail all of this negative press by simply extending some gratitude to the players they are forcing out. I thought I heard Mancini mention that he thought Ireland was a great player and that he hoped and thought he would do well at Villa (paraphrasing)? And as for Whoopi fucking Goldberg, who gives a fuck what he thinks? Somebody who was so looking forward to playing for us he fell asleep in the fucking airport!

Or maybe your right, maybe we should have rolled out the Red Carpet for him when he left, straight to a private Lear Jet with a full tank of fuel. Garrido didn't say a thing when he left. Cake dough didn't say a thing when he left. Bojinov didn't say a thing when he left. Gelson was unhappy that he wasn't getting games but didn't slag the club off when he left. I would point to the fact that these players were in fact professional in their demeanour and outlook when they left/released from our club.

If the club simply released a little blurb from the manager stating that the player's time at the club was invaluable, he was a good guy, etc, than these comments wouldn't have a leg to stand on and the player's would look petty. Irregardless if we mean the comments or not, the fact that you say them nullifies any attempt to be petty afterwards.

The press is just continuing to build on the owners being ruthless because of the way that Hughes was sacked and now how these players are being shipped out without a word. I'll admit the Hughes sacking debacle was ill conceived and could have been handled differently. However, regardless of how City played it we were always going to get the shitty end of the stick by the press regarding sacking Hughes. And do you honestly think that the press would have represented City as a bastion of goodwill if we'd let Ireland train with the first team for a couple of days?

Maybe in the future the club could get Michael Aspel to present a 'This is Your Life (as a City player)' type of programme for those players that leave. I know, maybe the good Sheikh himself could jump out on them with the big red book in his hands when they're least expecting it. This may show the press how sincere we are as a club and they may just start writing really nice things about us again.

The Hughes sacking has already wet the media's appetite and you can be rest assured that Mancini's every move will be magnified and scrutinized to death. We all know that as soon as Mancini loses his 3rd game before Christmas that the media is going to be beying for blood because a British manager was sacked with only 2 losses.

The fact of the matter is that the club have brought this shit on themselves because of horrible PR management. Whoever handles the club's PR needs to be demoted, or more suitably, sacked without prejudice.

The fact of the matter is that probably no other club in the Premier League has had such a high turn over of players, in the light of a national press that already had their knives sharpened, in such a small time frame. The club, in my opinion, was ALWAYS going to cop a load of shit from the press no matter how they handled the players leaving.

Let's see if, in a couple of years time when we're flying high and eating from the top table, the gutter press will slagging us off. I personally think they'll be kissing our ring.

Whoopi who?
I don't see any top 8 clubs coming in for this lot. Do you?

If Benjani was that good and wasn't concerned about the money he could have offered his services to the blue Dippers but even Gollum wouldn't take him. And my god he takes rubbish No 9's. Having landed with Fat Sam, another officienado of a big daft attackers, let us see how many games he plays.

The questioner definitely steered him down the anti-city track and he is so simple and gullible he snapped it up. What i really don't understand though is why Benjani's comments are worthy of headlining apart from winding up us paranoid Blues.

Forget him as he wasn't considered to be part of the RM squad. That goes for Petrrov and Ireland too. Let us see how many games Petrov plays before his legs go again.
Nobody bids farewell to the club any better than Garrido. What a gentleman. Gotta love him.

As for Benjani though. Bwahahahhaa...
Bluebee2 said:
They have all been well paid for their time here, how many have gone to top clubs ? Non, that must tell them something.
Like you say. Petrov even said he would of stayed had City offered him a longer contract than 1 year, but because we didn't he has thrown his toys out of his pram.

Couldn't care less what players like Benjani or Hamann think, there hardly respected legends at the club, are they?
Uber Blue said:
macmanson said:
Your comment misses the whole point though. It's not that the players were moved on, it's the manner in which they were moved on that is the issue. The club has show a real lack of tact when it comes to dismissing players. These weren't players that asked to be moved, they were players the club deemed to be surplus to requirements and the club could have made minimal effort to curtail all of this negative press by simply extending some gratitude to the players they are forcing out. I thought I heard Mancini mention that he thought Ireland was a great player and that he hoped and thought he would do well at Villa (paraphrasing)? And as for Whoopi fucking Goldberg, who gives a fuck what he thinks? Somebody who was so looking forward to playing for us he fell asleep in the fucking airport!

Or maybe your right, maybe we should have rolled out the Red Carpet for him when he left, straight to a private Lear Jet with a full tank of fuel. Garrido didn't say a thing when he left. Cake dough didn't say a thing when he left. Bojinov didn't say a thing when he left. Gelson was unhappy that he wasn't getting games but didn't slag the club off when he left. I would point to the fact that these players were in fact professional in their demeanour and outlook when they left/released from our club.

If the club simply released a little blurb from the manager stating that the player's time at the club was invaluable, he was a good guy, etc, than these comments wouldn't have a leg to stand on and the player's would look petty. Irregardless if we mean the comments or not, the fact that you say them nullifies any attempt to be petty afterwards.

The press is just continuing to build on the owners being ruthless because of the way that Hughes was sacked and now how these players are being shipped out without a word. I'll admit the Hughes sacking debacle was ill conceived and could have been handled differently. However, regardless of how City played it we were always going to get the shitty end of the stick by the press regarding sacking Hughes. And do you honestly think that the press would have represented City as a bastion of goodwill if we'd let Ireland train with the first team for a couple of days?

Maybe in the future the club could get Michael Aspel to present a 'This is Your Life (as a City player)' type of programme for those players that leave. I know, maybe the good Sheikh himself could jump out on them with the big red book in his hands when they're least expecting it. This may show the press how sincere we are as a club and they may just start writing really nice things about us again.

The Hughes sacking has already wet the media's appetite and you can be rest assured that Mancini's every move will be magnified and scrutinized to death. We all know that as soon as Mancini loses his 3rd game before Christmas that the media is going to be beying for blood because a British manager was sacked with only 2 losses.

The fact of the matter is that the club have brought this shit on themselves because of horrible PR management. Whoever handles the club's PR needs to be demoted, or more suitably, sacked without prejudice.

The fact of the matter is that probably no other club in the Premier League has had such a high turn over of players, in the light of a national press that already had their knives sharpened, in such a small time frame. The club, in my opinion, was ALWAYS going to cop a load of shit from the press no matter how they handled the players leaving.

Let's see if, in a couple of years time when we're flying high and eating from the top table, the gutter press will slagging us off. I personally think they'll be kissing our ring.

Whoopi who?

You just have to look at the Bellamy situation. Mancini was in the press talking about Bellamy not being in the squad long before Bellamy's interview "shedding light" on the situation. A couple words were exchanged in the press until the club and Bellamy decided a move to Cardiff would suit everybody. A couple nice platitudes spoken by Bellamy and the club about each other and presto, not another word in the press about it. There's nothing left to take a shot at. Had the club done this with all the other players, there wouldn't be shit to talk about. They could try but we'd have the moral high ground to stand on.

It's not a question of how good or not the players are. Arabs already carry the stigma of being poor people managers (albeit probably unfairly), so this stuff just feeds into that stereotype. No need for a red carpet, but a 3 sentence blurb on the OS when a player leaves would go a hell of a long way towards negating this type of stuff in the future. Even internet hobbyists can throw together a youtube montage of a player in a couple hours. Surely the club wouldn't see this as poor PR money spent? I'm sure we'll still get shit stories printed about us but they'll have less impact if we've properly covered ourselves beforehand.

As for the other players you mentioned:

Bojinov - was away from the club for a long while and wanted a move.

Cake Dough (Caceido) - is only out on loan from the club, so not as though he's been tossed.

Benjani - I agree that he doesn't really have shit to say with his time here.

Gelson - left last summer before things "turned ugly" so to speak.

Garrido - Hadn't played much at all at Man City, so I think he was glad to move on.

Ireland - yes Mancini did say some nice things after he'd sent Ireland to the reserves and publicly questioned his mentality. Hard to sound sincere after that. Ireland of all the players probably had the best case for airing grievances but a little more tact likely would have nullified that as well.
macmanson said:
Uber Blue said:
The fact of the matter is that probably no other club in the Premier League has had such a high turn over of players, in the light of a national press that already had their knives sharpened, in such a small time frame. The club, in my opinion, was ALWAYS going to cop a load of shit from the press no matter how they handled the players leaving.

Let's see if, in a couple of years time when we're flying high and eating from the top table, the gutter press will slagging us off. I personally think they'll be kissing our ring.

Whoopi who?

You just have to look at the Bellamy situation. Mancini was in the press talking about Bellamy not being in the squad long before Bellamy's interview "shedding light" on the situation. A couple words were exchanged in the press until the club and Bellamy decided a move to Cardiff would suit everybody. A couple nice platitudes spoken by Bellamy and the club about each other and presto, not another word in the press about it. There's nothing left to take a shot at. Had the club done this with all the other players, there wouldn't be shit to talk about. They could try but we'd have the moral high ground to stand on.

It's not a question of how good or not the players are. Arabs already carry the stigma of being poor people managers (albeit probably unfairly), so this stuff just feeds into that stereotype. No need for a red carpet, but a 3 sentence blurb on the OS when a player leaves would go a hell of a long way towards negating this type of stuff in the future. Even internet hobbyists can throw together a youtube montage of a player in a couple hours. Surely the club wouldn't see this as poor PR money spent? I'm sure we'll still get shit stories printed about us but they'll have less impact if we've properly covered ourselves beforehand.

As for the other players you mentioned:

Bojinov - was away from the club for a long while and wanted a move.

Cake Dough (Caceido) - is only out on loan from the club, so not as though he's been tossed.

Benjani - I agree that he doesn't really have shit to say with his time here.

Gelson - left last summer before things "turned ugly" so to speak.

Garrido - Hadn't played much at all at Man City, so I think he was glad to move on.

Ireland - yes Mancini did say some nice things after he'd sent Ireland to the reserves and publicly questioned his mentality. Hard to sound sincere after that. Ireland of all the players probably had the best case for airing grievances but a little more tact likely would have nullified that as well.

Bellamy is still being payed in part by the club and that's why he's not spouted any shit about us (as of yet). However, the press at the time still had a go, along with The Sunday Supplement, MOTD and a host of other media outlets.

My point is that a certain number of players were going to be released and a number of those were going to bad mouth the club, regardless whether the club put together a montage on the OS highlighting their best playing days.

You seem to think that the club has brought the shit being spewed by certain media outlets on itself, I don't. I believe the media always had an agenda and was always going to stick to it; which they have.
Uber Blue said:
macmanson said:
You just have to look at the Bellamy situation. Mancini was in the press talking about Bellamy not being in the squad long before Bellamy's interview "shedding light" on the situation. A couple words were exchanged in the press until the club and Bellamy decided a move to Cardiff would suit everybody. A couple nice platitudes spoken by Bellamy and the club about each other and presto, not another word in the press about it. There's nothing left to take a shot at. Had the club done this with all the other players, there wouldn't be shit to talk about. They could try but we'd have the moral high ground to stand on.

It's not a question of how good or not the players are. Arabs already carry the stigma of being poor people managers (albeit probably unfairly), so this stuff just feeds into that stereotype. No need for a red carpet, but a 3 sentence blurb on the OS when a player leaves would go a hell of a long way towards negating this type of stuff in the future. Even internet hobbyists can throw together a youtube montage of a player in a couple hours. Surely the club wouldn't see this as poor PR money spent? I'm sure we'll still get shit stories printed about us but they'll have less impact if we've properly covered ourselves beforehand.

As for the other players you mentioned:

Bojinov - was away from the club for a long while and wanted a move.

Cake Dough (Caceido) - is only out on loan from the club, so not as though he's been tossed.

Benjani - I agree that he doesn't really have shit to say with his time here.

Gelson - left last summer before things "turned ugly" so to speak.

Garrido - Hadn't played much at all at Man City, so I think he was glad to move on.

Ireland - yes Mancini did say some nice things after he'd sent Ireland to the reserves and publicly questioned his mentality. Hard to sound sincere after that. Ireland of all the players probably had the best case for airing grievances but a little more tact likely would have nullified that as well.

Bellamy is still being payed in part by the club and that's why he's not spouted any shit about us (as of yet). However, the press at the time still had a go, along with The Sunday Supplement, MOTD and a host of other media outlets.

My point is that a certain number of players were going to be released and a number of those were going to bad mouth the club, regardless whether the club put together a montage on the OS highlighting their best playing days.

You seem to think that the club has brought the shit being spewed by certain media outlets on itself, I don't. I believe the media always had an agenda and was always going to stick to it; which they have.

I think we (MCFC) brought the shit with respect to players on itself and not the media. The media are always going to have a negative agenda because it sells more. There is nothing we'll ever be able to do about that. Even United get shit written about them, just comes part and parcel with the position. The negative player comments though could've been avoided by being more tactful in the way that players were let go.<br /><br />-- Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:01 pm --<br /><br />,-are-you-reading-this?

This quote perfectly sums up the argument of treating players with respect.

"When Mancini came, I wanted to stay," Petrov, now at Aston Villa, said on Thursday.

"But ... he told me nothing about my future. I then had an operation on my knee and nobody spoke with me.

"Nobody looked me in the eyes and said. 'Martin, thank you for your time at City, you are a very professional player'."

It is the simplest lesson you will ever learn in life with respect to man management. People always just want to feel as though they were needed. They don't mind being moved on as professionals but it was the way the club "turned their back" on them that has created all this negativity. Had the club simply used some tact and simply said thank you for your time, we'd all be a bit happier and the club would have a little less negative press to deal with.

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