Bitter Much?

Jealousy....from the online dictionary..

There are 2 types of jealousy. The most correct definiton would be the feeling of being threatened by a rival in a romantic relationship or losing something of value to another person which happens to be yours already. This is what I consider the correct definiton.

The second is type of jealousy is more like Envy. Envy is a hatred/bitterness towards another person for having an advantage that YOU don't have. For instance, envious/jealous behavior such as a friend has a nice new car and instead of being truly happy for them you badmouth them or the car or make up something ridiculous because YOU can't afford it yourself. If someone has money and YOU don't you say they recieved it through less than stellar means. If someone is more talented than YOU you say their work isnt as good as anyone thinks or they are just lucky. This kind of 'jealousy' is destructive and displays itself as having a bad attitude towards the object of the envy and also being passive aggressive..

sums up the spuds perfectly.
oakiecokie said:
Fuck me,they`re even bitter than bitters.Look at this one :

I just want to get one thing straight. This is the best spurs team I have seen in my lifetime. It's better than the 91 side, marginally better than David pleats side in 86/87 with hoddle, waddle, ardiles, etc. It is an absolute joy to go down the lane. But you know what chaps I have a bad feeling that when all said and done we will probably finish 5th and that will mean no champions league football next season and the likes of Modric, Bale, and VDV will probably leave the club and we will be back to square 1. Sadly modern day football is all about the champions league. Which is wrong IMO but it's just the way it is. But what really grates me is that we will probably miss out to a club with no pedigree , a club that has won nothing in34 years, a club full of mercenaries, a club that let's be honest have CHEATED there way towards the top end of the league. Spurs a club that has built a team the right way over the last 5 years will probably be shafted by an Arab owned tin pot northern club. I hate everything about city!!!

Cheated?? Can you explain how we cheated?
Portsmouth cheated their way to the cup final by buying players when clearly they did not have the money. City have the money and have bought players in an open market. So how exactly have we cheated? Have we done anything that Blackburn didnt do? Chelsea?
And when it comes to cheating, how far do you want to go back?
In the 70's the so called big clubs voted to keep all the gate money from home games rather than share the money. As a result, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.
Then the rich voted to break away from the Football League and formed the Premier League to get more richer (and more successful). Then the richer voted to expand the European cup to allow more of their own into the club and did away with knockout rounds (cant have the big boys going out in the first round, lets make group stages so guarenteed 3 games at home, more money, more richer - oh, and if you come 3rd in the group we will parachute you into the UEFA cup, more money, more richer and more successful)
And so the top 4 milked the Champions League year in year out - the same four clubs (except one year we had 5 when Everton got there too!) who simply got richer and richer earning the money to keep them in the top 4.
This is what I call cheating. By engineering the game to suit their financial needs at the expense of other clubs (hey, we'll even let them miss out the 2nd round of the League Cup, to help them out as they are busy in Europe...)

And so City come along with a new kind of money. One that isn't accumulated by the rigged system that the other 4 clubs have rigged to their advantage over the past 15 years.... and this new money threatens the financial existence of at least one of the big 4 who all have to be in the top 4 to survive. Naturally the big 4 dont like it. Well TOUGH Shit.

The money is there, being spent and used wisely. No rules have been broken. Deal with it, get used to it and get over yourself.
Phill said:
oakiecokie said:
Fuck me,they`re even bitter than bitters.Look at this one :

I just want to get one thing straight. This is the best spurs team I have seen in my lifetime. It's better than the 91 side, marginally better than David pleats side in 86/87 with hoddle, waddle, ardiles, etc. It is an absolute joy to go down the lane. But you know what chaps I have a bad feeling that when all said and done we will probably finish 5th and that will mean no champions league football next season and the likes of Modric, Bale, and VDV will probably leave the club and we will be back to square 1. Sadly modern day football is all about the champions league. Which is wrong IMO but it's just the way it is. But what really grates me is that we will probably miss out to a club with no pedigree , a club that has won nothing in34 years, a club full of mercenaries, a club that let's be honest have CHEATED there way towards the top end of the league. Spurs a club that has built a team the right way over the last 5 years will probably be shafted by an Arab owned tin pot northern club. I hate everything about city!!!

Cheated?? Can you explain how we cheated?
Portsmouth cheated their way to the cup final by buying players when clearly they did not have the money. City have the money and have bought players in an open market. So how exactly have we cheated? Have we done anything that Blackburn didnt do? Chelsea?
And when it comes to cheating, how far do you want to go back?
In the 70's the so called big clubs voted to keep all the gate money from home games rather than share the money. As a result, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.
Then the rich voted to break away from the Football League and formed the Premier League to get more richer (and more successful). Then the richer voted to expand the European cup to allow more of their own into the club and did away with knockout rounds (cant have the big boys going out in the first round, lets make group stages so guarenteed 3 games at home, more money, more richer - oh, and if you come 3rd in the group we will parachute you into the UEFA cup, more money, more richer and more successful)
And so the top 4 milked the Champions League year in year out - the same four clubs (except one year we had 5 when Everton got there too!) who simply got richer and richer earning the money to keep them in the top 4.
This is what I call cheating. By engineering the game to suit their financial needs at the expense of other clubs (hey, we'll even let them miss out the 2nd round of the League Cup, to help them out as they are busy in Europe...)

And so City come along with a new kind of money. One that isn't accumulated by the rigged system that the other 4 clubs have rigged to their advantage over the past 15 years.... and this new money threatens the financial existence of at least one of the big 4 who all have to be in the top 4 to survive. Naturally the big 4 dont like it. Well TOUGH Shit.

The money is there, being spent and used wisely. No rules have been broken. Deal with it, get used to it and get over yourself.

Phill said:
oakiecokie said:
Fuck me,they`re even bitter than bitters.Look at this one :

I just want to get one thing straight. This is the best spurs team I have seen in my lifetime. It's better than the 91 side, marginally better than David pleats side in 86/87 with hoddle, waddle, ardiles, etc. It is an absolute joy to go down the lane. But you know what chaps I have a bad feeling that when all said and done we will probably finish 5th and that will mean no champions league football next season and the likes of Modric, Bale, and VDV will probably leave the club and we will be back to square 1. Sadly modern day football is all about the champions league. Which is wrong IMO but it's just the way it is. But what really grates me is that we will probably miss out to a club with no pedigree , a club that has won nothing in34 years, a club full of mercenaries, a club that let's be honest have CHEATED there way towards the top end of the league. Spurs a club that has built a team the right way over the last 5 years will probably be shafted by an Arab owned tin pot northern club. I hate everything about city!!!

Cheated?? Can you explain how we cheated?
Portsmouth cheated their way to the cup final by buying players when clearly they did not have the money. City have the money and have bought players in an open market. So how exactly have we cheated? Have we done anything that Blackburn didnt do? Chelsea?
And when it comes to cheating, how far do you want to go back?
In the 70's the so called big clubs voted to keep all the gate money from home games rather than share the money. As a result, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.
Then the rich voted to break away from the Football League and formed the Premier League to get more richer (and more successful). Then the richer voted to expand the European cup to allow more of their own into the club and did away with knockout rounds (cant have the big boys going out in the first round, lets make group stages so guarenteed 3 games at home, more money, more richer - oh, and if you come 3rd in the group we will parachute you into the UEFA cup, more money, more richer and more successful)
And so the top 4 milked the Champions League year in year out - the same four clubs (except one year we had 5 when Everton got there too!) who simply got richer and richer earning the money to keep them in the top 4.
This is what I call cheating. By engineering the game to suit their financial needs at the expense of other clubs (hey, we'll even let them miss out the 2nd round of the League Cup, to help them out as they are busy in Europe...)

And so City come along with a new kind of money. One that isn't accumulated by the rigged system that the other 4 clubs have rigged to their advantage over the past 15 years.... and this new money threatens the financial existence of at least one of the big 4 who all have to be in the top 4 to survive. Naturally the big 4 dont like it. Well TOUGH Shit.

The money is there, being spent and used wisely. No rules have been broken. Deal with it, get used to it and get over yourself.

When he said City were cheats i think he meant the team have all bumruptured his missus. ;)
samharris said:
Phill said:
Cheated?? Can you explain how we cheated?
Portsmouth cheated their way to the cup final by buying players when clearly they did not have the money. City have the money and have bought players in an open market. So how exactly have we cheated? Have we done anything that Blackburn didnt do? Chelsea?
And when it comes to cheating, how far do you want to go back?
In the 70's the so called big clubs voted to keep all the gate money from home games rather than share the money. As a result, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.
Then the rich voted to break away from the Football League and formed the Premier League to get more richer (and more successful). Then the richer voted to expand the European cup to allow more of their own into the club and did away with knockout rounds (cant have the big boys going out in the first round, lets make group stages so guarenteed 3 games at home, more money, more richer - oh, and if you come 3rd in the group we will parachute you into the UEFA cup, more money, more richer and more successful)
And so the top 4 milked the Champions League year in year out - the same four clubs (except one year we had 5 when Everton got there too!) who simply got richer and richer earning the money to keep them in the top 4.
This is what I call cheating. By engineering the game to suit their financial needs at the expense of other clubs (hey, we'll even let them miss out the 2nd round of the League Cup, to help them out as they are busy in Europe...)

And so City come along with a new kind of money. One that isn't accumulated by the rigged system that the other 4 clubs have rigged to their advantage over the past 15 years.... and this new money threatens the financial existence of at least one of the big 4 who all have to be in the top 4 to survive. Naturally the big 4 dont like it. Well TOUGH Shit.

The money is there, being spent and used wisely. No rules have been broken. Deal with it, get used to it and get over yourself.

When he said City were cheats i think he meant the team have all bumruptured his missus. ;)

Damn, took me 15 minutes to type that and I misunderstood his post!
Great post phill. I would add that to try to maintain the status quo and prevent City's progress and to stop anyone else doing similar, they bring in rules linked to turnover to maintain a perpetual elite, under the pathetically spurious guise of 'financial fair play'
Am i the only one that absolutely loves the fact that we get up everyones noses? Fuck em all i say. We have had to put up with heartache like no other club could possibly imagine so i'm glad that now we are all up in their pathetic little faces.

I will be the most ungracious winner on the planet when we start winning trophies. I'll rub it right in their cuntish noses.
oakiecokie said:
Fuck me,they`re even bitter than bitters.Look at this one :

I just want to get one thing straight. This is the best spurs team I have seen in my lifetime. It's better than the 91 side, marginally better than David pleats side in 86/87 with hoddle, waddle, ardiles, etc. It is an absolute joy to go down the lane. But you know what chaps I have a bad feeling that when all said and done we will probably finish 5th and that will mean no champions league football next season and the likes of Modric, Bale, and VDV will probably leave the club and we will be back to square 1. Sadly modern day football is all about the champions league. Which is wrong IMO but it's just the way it is. But what really grates me is that we will probably miss out to a club with no pedigree , a club that has won nothing in34 years, a club full of mercenaries, a club that let's be honest have CHEATED there way towards the top end of the league. Spurs a club that has built a team the right way over the last 5 years will probably be shafted by an Arab owned tin pot northern club. I hate everything about city!!!

you have to laugh at the deluded fools

spurs epitomise the corinthian ideals of football you see.......


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