I concur and on the whole I think you have a point of order.
Lots of cadish behaviour from the retailers and we must stay alert this evening.
Opertunities to shit shift are immense and shift that shit they will happily do.
Beware the wolf in sheeps clothing as they increase the price to bring it back down again.
But there does actually exist a few bargains in the offing.
We had a marvelous deal delivered today because our whirpool gasped it's last gasp on mother earth
A blockage in one of its main arteries was diagnosed and I was far too busy to be acting the pan plumbing the depths of diy and removing fluff and stuff from it's pipework.It was eight years of age and with a smile and wink we left it a groat to pay the ferryman and rang a good pal of mine called curry.
She said they could line us up with a right go-er called Hotpoint.
It was advertised on the telly and should have been £329 and was reduced in something they called a black tag sale which was Friday price protected so we duly obliged.
And so with baited breath it arrived.
We paid for removal of appliance for £15 sobs and also fitting of appliance for £20
Sounds somewhat expensive to screw a pipe on but we live in a flat and if i did not screw well enough old mrs Johnson underneath would be searching New Look for a new bikini bottom.
Imagine if she sued and the housing corp sued we would be looking at in excess of £5000 of litigation and much distress to our fiscal pocket.
And so being ever the wiley fox and ultra canny canine we opted for their full monty service.
We sat back and they came and removed the old appliance and installed the new one and then finally as an anecdote the highly trained techitions ripped the fuck out of our cushionfloor.
Cough cough..Ready Mr mania for your demonstration of this appliance of science he yelped.
As he gleefully stood over the towel that stood over the carboard that stood over the ripped cushionfloor he went through the motions of its spin speed and spin spin spin it was !
I bade him a fond farewell and wished him god speed and it was then I heard a deafening scream that will stay with me for many years to come.
I fell to my knees in utter despair and sobbed real tears of disenchantenment as he politely suggested we stick the hole back together with silicone .
I originally told him to slide it in using my patented piece of cardboard system but he said his system of tilt slide and fairy liquid was industery tried and tested..So at the moment my bargain isnt a bargain.
Anyone looking for a washer this really is the one except all the lights have now come on at once and it says in the handbook to switch it off and unplug and then replug which my plumbing guru is now undertaking whislt I frenetically type.
Anyway I am rambling again..
And so understand your prices and what they were pre sale and what your target is.
I am here for a telly and also a life if I can get one at the right price.
If it does not happen then I will keep my powder keg dry and regroup for the boxing day melay.