Blackpool OR West Ham?

Chairman Wesker said:
West ham!

Go on the hammers!

cheers buddy !

im really scared about Blackpool, at Wembley with Holloway

we stuffed them home and away this season, there defence at Upton Park was the worst ive ever seen !

But you just know a cup final is so different

It should be a great game, Blackpool will go gung ho but we are also on top form and scoring for fun

very nervous
I can't really guess as to who will win, but I hope it's West Ham, I like them as a club and decent fans from my experience, plus I don't think I could put up with Holloway and his fuckin ramblings for another season again, the novelty wore off very quickly last time.
Got to be the 'Ammers. I don't think I can stand another season of the village idiot's inane ramblings, informing us how much Fergie has been shit upon and other pearls of wisdom, even though Allardyce will be as welcome as piles. Hopefully we can have the joys of West Ham without him in the not to distant future.
Without a shadow of a doubt, West Ham. I detest Blackpool and the band of fickle fuckwits that follow them. Most of them disappeared back in the pub to watch Liverpool or the rags when they got sent down.

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