Blatter's views on racism.... from BBC

Blatter and his cronies have been ignoring racism in football (especially in Europe) for years. At least his latest contribution is so ignorant a wider audience will take note. Hopefully this will see him fucked off by the footballing world.
bluemanc said:
malg said:
As much as he is a disgrace etc, etc.....England are still the Football Association who allowed John Terry to captain his country after calling another player, a black player, a 'black c**t'. Get off your high horses. Sort out the English FA first.

Oh, and I don't care about this fucking 'innocent until proven guilty'. We've all seen the video evidence, and he definitely used those words. The bloke is guilty as sin, and he still captained his country in a football match. Personally, I have absolutely no fucking idea why any of the black English players took to the pitch.....wankers to a man, and not one single bit of moral courage amongst them.

So, yes, Blatter is a moron, but stones and glass houses etc, etc.
Oh, and I don't care about this fucking 'innocent until proven guilty'
The only twat on a high horse would appear to be you.
What high horse would that be? No one with an ounce of sense would dispute what Terry said, therefore he is a ****. Easy really, and no amount of horses, or even how high they may be, is going to change that. The only reason I mentioned the 'innocent until proven guilty' is because that's what most pundits are saying to excuse the fucker....well, he said it, plain and simple.

Oh, Blatter is a knob as well, but we all knew that already.

Nearly forgot, no need to call me a twat either....quit the name calling. Make your point by all means, but don't lower yourself to the level of Terry.
Blatters PR team are just as shite as Blatter. I know this is a very serious issue, but this is just fucking hilarious. What a joke organisation we've got running football.

"I know my previous comments made me look like a racist, so here's a picture of me and a black man enjoying each others company". Fucking hell. Link to page below......

Mclovin said:
He should be shot

Lol bit harsh.<br /><br />-- Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:06 pm --<br /><br />
nashark said:
malg said:
As much as he is a disgrace etc, etc.....England are still the Football Association who allowed John Terry to captain his country after calling another player, a black player, a 'black c**t'. Get off your high horses. Sort out the English FA first.

Oh, and I don't care about this fucking 'innocent until proven guilty'. We've all seen the video evidence, and he definitely used those words. The bloke is guilty as sin, and he still captained his country in a football match. Personally, I have absolutely no fucking idea why any of the black English players took to the pitch.....wankers to a man, and not one single bit of moral courage amongst them.

So, yes, Blatter is a moron, but stones and glass houses etc, etc.

I'm no Sherlock Holmes but didn't Anton Ferdinand used to play for Sunderland A.K.A The Black Cats.

As for Blatter, if I understand him well enough, I agree with his general point (though he doesn't make it tactfully). Racism in action probably doesn't exist. If a player's good enough; he plays.

Racism in words does exist. But where do we draw the line?

If a player says to his opponent: "I hope your children die" and that player responds with "shut up you black ****", it wouldn't sit well with me if we banned only the one making the racist retort.

I agree with this man.
lets get rid of the ****, first him, then platini. both fucking turds.
briand said:
Mclovin said:
He should be shot

Lol bit harsh.

-- Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:06 pm --

nashark said:
malg said:
As much as he is a disgrace etc, etc.....England are still the Football Association who allowed John Terry to captain his country after calling another player, a black player, a 'black c**t'. Get off your high horses. Sort out the English FA first.

Oh, and I don't care about this fucking 'innocent until proven guilty'. We've all seen the video evidence, and he definitely used those words. The bloke is guilty as sin, and he still captained his country in a football match. Personally, I have absolutely no fucking idea why any of the black English players took to the pitch.....wankers to a man, and not one single bit of moral courage amongst them.

So, yes, Blatter is a moron, but stones and glass houses etc, etc.

I'm no Sherlock Holmes but didn't Anton Ferdinand used to play for Sunderland A.K.A The Black Cats.

As for Blatter, if I understand him well enough, I agree with his general point (though he doesn't make it tactfully). Racism in action probably doesn't exist. If a player's good enough; he plays.

Racism in words does exist. But where do we draw the line?

If a player says to his opponent: "I hope your children die" and that player responds with "shut up you black ****", it wouldn't sit well with me if we banned only the one making the racist retort.

I agree with this man.
Shot in the spine so he becomes a vegetable and steps down as leader
cantona01 said:
Blatters PR team are just as shite as Blatter. I know this is a very serious issue, but this is just fucking hilarious. What a joke organisation we've got running football.

"I know my previous comments made me look like a racist, so here's a picture of me and a black man enjoying each others company". Fucking hell. Link to page below......


Cringeworthy isn't it?

Reminds me when Brooklands say he can't be racist because when he goes to The Curry Cottage he talks to the asians who work there YCMIU

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