Blue Moon Playlist Review Club - Season 2 - Episode 24 - RobMCFC – Primary and Secondary Colours (pg 412)

Thanks all and my apologies for having written little so far here though I have been listening to the selections!

For me, I hope you'll forgive me skirting the intended bounds of this thread by choosing five songs that actually comprise my hands-down favo(u)rite EP of all time, R.E.M.’s debut “Chronic Town” from 1982.

Through a decade of a lot of very good things (that presaged some not-so-good things in their later years), this is the best thing R.E.M. ever did in my mind -- five perfect little songs.

I know that roughly 42% of Michael Stipe’s lyrics are utterly unintelligible. But every tune runs at pace with Buck/Mills/Berry driving their instruments along like an outboard motor. Moreover, there are no slow, mournful numbers about the demise of the South, nor character studies about wrinkled old men, nor introspective doleful schmaltz.

Granted, I do love three of R.E.M.’s 14 LPs top to bottom: “Murmur”, “Life’s Rich Pageant” and “Document”. And I have a lot of like for everything else they did up to and including “Out of Time”.

It’s always puzzled me that so many Brits like their later stuff better than their early stuff, which is one reason I chose this. To me the band died with “Automatic For The People”, which was 1992 (I’ve always found that record cloying and irritating).

To me “Chronic Town” has stood the test of time – to me, it will always be evocative of what R.E.M. is SUPPOSED to sound like. Just unpretentious, skittering, jangling, speedy, expeditious fun, and (crucially) unspoiled by the demands of the marketplace too.

Even 40 years later, unspoiled fun still sounds good.

1. Wolves, Lower
2. Gardening At Night
3. Carnival of Sorts (Boxcars)
4. 1,000,000
5. Stumble

Kudos on the cajones. I had thought of putting a whole EP of 3 songs on, with 2 hits by the same band on. Glad to see someone else do a whole EP. Good thing it was 5 songs.

Anyway my one will have to wait as the timing of it will change things.

Back to this now.
I’m sure there was discussion on one of these music threads many (blue)moons ago about bands evolving or not evolving with the opinion being you couldn’t keep churning out the same old thing.

Seems like the evolution of REM was the exception to that as though it’s a cardinal sin they committed by getting big and appealing to a wider audience. I don’t buy it of course, maybe because I came to REM later than most (Out of Time as it happens). That doesn’t mean I’m not incapable of working backwards and appreciating the early stuff. Like some sort of musical ingenu though I love albums like Automatic for the People and New Adventures in Hi-Fi. Still good to get an idea of what they are supposed to sound like… A bit rough and ready as it happens but I’m sure I’ll have more to say after a few listens…
I’m sure there was discussion on one of these music threads many (blue)moons ago about bands evolving or not evolving with the opinion being you couldn’t keep churning out the same old thing.

Seems like the evolution of REM was the exception to that as though it’s a cardinal sin they committed by getting big and appealing to a wider audience. I don’t buy it of course, maybe because I came to REM later than most (Out of Time as it happens). That doesn’t mean I’m not incapable of working backwards and appreciating the early stuff. Like some sort of musical ingenu though I love albums like Automatic for the People and New Adventures in Hi-Fi. Still good to get an idea of what they are supposed to sound like… A bit rough and ready as it happens but I’m sure I’ll have more to say after a few listens…
All bands devolve (or dissolve); most bands evolve too, unless they’re one shots. Plenty of bands who started raw later matured into a more refined, complex sound (Sonic Youth); others have been all over the place stylistically, stretching themselves for better or worse (Neil Young); still others “found” a sound that became popular with a mass audience but left their original acolytes behind (too many to mention). I like — and dislike — all kinds of artists who fit these categories and at different stages of their careers — early/late, popular/cultish. In the case of REM, my preference is for the early stuff, not the late stuff — they weren’t “sell-outs”; they didn’t head a new direction because they wanted to expand an audience — they just evolved and it was popular. It just wasn’t popular with me.
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I’ve always found REM to be a bit like Blur, in that they’re a great singles band, but can’t sustain my interest for a whole album, unless it’s a ‘Greatest Hits’ type compilation. This EP was okay I guess, but I do prefer their later stuff for sure. ‘E-bow the Letter’ is the best thing they ever did IMO.
Put this EP on youtube and listened to each song for around a mind is deceiving me because they all sound the same...guitar start, weird vocals, harmonies, drum fills...every song.

It's really one long song split up isn't it?
Put this EP on youtube and listened to each song for around a mind is deceiving me because they all sound the same...guitar start, weird vocals, harmonies, drum fills...every song.

It's really one long song split up isn't it?
I thought similar last night.
They’re just not a band that ever excited me. It all sounded the same.
Put this EP on youtube and listened to each song for around a mind is deceiving me because they all sound the same...guitar start, weird vocals, harmonies, drum fills...every song.

It's really one long song split up isn't it?

Could have listened to one whole song with the same amount of time.
Might be in the minority in that I'm quite enjoying it. I was wandering around the house singing the bits of Wolves, Lower that had stuck when Mrs Spires looked at me as if to say, 'what on earth are you gibbering about?', I replied it's Michael Stipe and she just nodded in a 'fair enough that would explain it' kind of way.

Apropos of absolutely nothing and at the risk of seeming like an imbecile, Paint It Black has just auto played for me; for reasons I'm not sure of I don't own any music by the Stones other than probably a compilation somewhere so I'm only familiar with their hits. Bizarrely though, I have never actually listened to the lyric of Paint It Black until just now - what a brilliantly dark and haunting summation of loss it is. Only taken me 50 odd years to find that out!
I have to say Foggy I’m a tad disappointed at your selection, don’t get me wrong I like early REM and I’d only heard ‘Carnival of Sorts’ before.I was just hoping for
something more leftfield like Gangsta Rap or Black Flag from yourself.i have certainly enjoyed your nominations on the other thread, so maybe next time.

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