Blue Tuesday: Lakey's Question: If u could bring in one rule


Well-Known Member
14 Jul 2009
Hi everyone

The controversies re: the Hand of Henry and Ferguson's ref rant are still rolling on, so with that in mind this week's Blue Tuesday question is:

If you had the power to bring in one new rule to benefit the game, what would it be?

I would get rid of the heavy-handed assessment of referees. These days they're monitored by three separate bodies (PFA, Refs' Association and the League Managers' Association) and it's no wonder that this pressure and scrutiny weighs so heavily on their shoulders. What happened to common-sense refereeing, as practised by the great Neil Midgely (RIP)? What do you think? We'll read out a selection on this week's show.

Also, a couple of BlueMooners who live out of the area have asked for more details about Blue Tuesday, so here's some info courtesy of Emily, our online supremo!:

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Re: Blue Tuesday: Lakey's Question: If you could change one rule

I'd book anyone who 'accidentally' prevented a free kick being taken by running in front of the kicker.

it's in the bloody rules anyway. in fact, none of the rules need changing, they just need to be applied ruthlessly, and the game would be almost. pulling shirts at corners, dissent, swearing at the ref, dangerous tackles and cynical play should always be punished heavily. we'd have two months of chaos with 5 red cards a game, but the players would learn quickly enough.
If a player gets sent off for a "professional foul" they miss the next correponding fixture (if there is one).
Offside is offside forget not interfering with play,if your on the pitch your interfering.If a fullback stood on the corner flag can play a forward in the 18 yard box onside surely it has to work the other way.Lets clear it up once and for all.

After that leave the game alone its not done bad for 150 years has it
The introduction of video technology has to happen I reckon. I know they say that refereeing decisions even themselves out over a season, but try telling that to the Irish lads who've missed out on a World Cup. It shouldn't be seen as a replacement for the referee, but as an aid to getting major decisions right. All that's needed is a Fourth official with a tv monitor, who doesn't interfer unless he spots a clear error. Simple.
Colins Bellend said:
Offside is offside forget not interfering with play,if your on the pitch your interfering.If a fullback stood on the corner flag can play a forward in the 18 yard box onside surely it has to work the other way.Lets clear it up once and for all.

After that leave the game alone its not done bad for 150 years has it

You beat me to it
If a player is found to have dived to try and win a free-kick or penalty, regardless of whether he is successful, he is fined 4 weeks wages and given a 10 match ban. Drastic action must be taken or this will continue to plague our game.
There are 2 changes I would offer. My first would be. No more penalties. The importance of a penalty kick has become so critical in the modern game, serious cheating by the attacking team has crept into football to gain a penalty advantage and therefore a potential winning opportunity.
My second offering would be. Replace a throw in by a kick in instead. This would increase the importance of this particular set piece. IMO it would put emphasis on players to keep the ball in play, And add extra excitement for the fans, when used by their team, as the ball could be aimed deep into an opponents half, therefore gaining an attacking/goal scoring advantage pretty quickly, making the kick in rule a very desirable set piece from almost any where on the pitch.

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