Bluemoon sang in 1981?

levets said:
Gary James said:
It was sung at the opening game of the season in 1989-90 at Anfield. A few lads started singing it as we started to make our way out of the away section.

That season it grew game after game and by the time Quinn was at the club it had become our anthem.

Correct Gary. That was the first time I heard it sung... Liverpool away, first game.. think we went 1-0 up as well.... the lads were sat behind me and were trying to get it going all the match

We need to find them and ask why. I only remember it at the end as we pushed to get out, but at least there's a few of us with a shared memory of it happening that day.
Speaking of the Kendall era, I remember Adrian Heath joking once about when he scored. He'd scored before Terry Waite was kidnapped and scored after he was released and he joked that he bet Terry Waite thinks he scores every week...
I thought it was after Kendall said after a live match on BBC that we will win a away match in a blue moon
first time i heard it was at anfield 1st game of the season late 80's.
we even sang the 'bob bob a bob a ding a dong ding' bit in the middle.
this was at the end when we was kept behind, the coppers were laughing like fuck haha

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