Bluemooners. Would U let Hughes go or give him 1 more year?

Having read through this thread the arguements continue and always will do (even when we do replace him.... if we do sorry). However our current financial situation is a unique one and that is actually why I dont feel that he is the man for the job. The owners have already invested significantly and by all accounts will do so again in the summer, they will want some pretty swift results from their investment. You may well argue that their investment to date is paltry in comparison to their fortunes, but its still a lot in the scheme of MCFC and the footballing world.

If we could secure a top, top manager then I feel we would have no choice but to do that, having said that I wouldnt remove Hughes for the sake of it or for as manager that I wouldnt rate as significantly better. I have said on other threads thsat Hughes WILL become a top manager, but not for 3/4 years. Too many ex footballers get into management too high without cutting their teeth and this is where I feel Hughes needs more experience before he can manage successfully a team who expect to be wining things (and believe it or not thats where the owners will expect us to be next season.... imo of course).

One last thing, whoever themanager is we need to back them 100%
100% keep.we are progressing..the football we are playing is better than it was under sven and though we may not finish as high in the league i think this is due to a number of other reasons

1. teams like villa, everton, spurs, have all also improved......villa and everton have had stability for a number of years now and its no suprise that it is those two teams that are coming closest to pushing the top 4.

2, sven ahad a bit of a lucky start.....everyone remember the 1-0 vs derby at home where i think we were a bit luckty to get the win....and also the 1-0 at home vs utd where we were definaely lucky to get the win......we ahe players that were taking teams by suprise in elano and petrov as they were totally unknown quantities
have you swallowed a paul hince article in the m.e.n??? my fellow bluemoonies..
badge said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Lord BLue said:
tom1985 said:
Granted the squad is not strong enough for jose, thats why he needs to come now to get his own players in. This guy will never win any major honours he is not tactically aware. He is not a proven manager and thats what we need if we we want to become a force. Dont let Hughes spend another penny. Well the 2 year rule clearly does not apply in Citys case just look at sven. Fuck Hughes of now before we end up with more injury prone players that he only signs because he cant control egos.


Sven doesn't disprove the "2 year" rule. Just look at his second half of the season. And the first half had quite a few lucky 1-0 wins too.

Are you also saying that Hughes hasn't made any good signings? Surely his good versus bad ratio is at least comparable to Rafas or of Fergies early years. Or of Joses time at chelsea for that matter.

I'm sick of how "crap" people claim we played 2nd half of the season last year, the facts, we will end up with a lot more points last year than this, so what does that say about this season with a stronger squad? Last year the reasons the 2nd have sucked was we lost Ned and Richards almost back to back and ended up having to play Sun at LB, Elano at RB and Ball at CB, along with the fixture list being unkind to us in the 2md half(a little like this season in reverse).

sven was brought in about with only about two or three weeks to buy players so he unquestionably had a better season that hughes. sven also had a track record of success. i repeat, mark hughes once took blackburn to sixth. why are people SO convinced he's the man for the job?

for one, i think we've had more bad luck this year than we did last year. daft sendings off and all, and more daft defensive mistakes.
secondly, Sven may have only had 2 or 3 weeks to spend his money, but he had oodles of it, whereas Hughes started off skint(ish)
and C, if we had unkind fixtures in the second half of last season as you say, then that implies that we had easier fixtures in the first half, when we got all those "by 1 goal" victories.
it's all about opinions and whilst i wouldn't have ditched sven, i don't think he was as good as some seem to make out.
i'd say i'm about 80% keep hughes.
As an ' on the fencer ' I'm definately leaning towards another year.
He's not really had a fair crack at it yet and with the money I think some peoples expectations are unreasonable,
But I do worry about him sometimes.

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