Bluemoon's Official Top 100 Films

Man of fire was almost perfect and for that it irks me when something gets so close.Denzel and Dakota especially at her age were phenomenal, the end grates me.
I thought the fucking Champ was going to be the only film to get me crying like a baby until I saw Man on Fire!
Tbf, I was only 9 when I watched The Champ, though...:-)
I thought the fucking Champ was going to be the only film to get me crying like a baby until I saw Man on Fire!
Tbf, I was only 9 when I watched The Champ, though...:-)

We have discussed this before but they’re certain actors that almost guarantee a good film


And I can’t think of a better child performance from anyone than Dakota Fanning although Natalie Portman in Leon was pretty close.
56. Blazing Saddles 5/41

View attachment 3658
“Mongo only pawn in game of life.”

“Hey, where’re the white women at?”

“Well then, why don’t you get your fwiggin’ FEET OFF?”

I’m glad Mel Brooks couldn’t get Richard Pryor for this. Cleavon Little is beyond fantastic. And Harvey Korman hasn’t been unfunny in anything ever. And Madeline Kahn. What a fwiggin’ classic.
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55. Midnight Cowboy 3/42


54. The Revenant 4/42


53. Heat 5/42


51. Snatch 4/43


51. It's A Wonderful Life 4/43

Not keen on Snatch, Ritchie is too far up his own mockney arse. And wasn‘t this the film which brought the term “pikey” into the popular vernacular?
Midnight Cowboy is a bittersweet classic from a greatly under appreciated director.
HEAT 53rd!

I had Heat at number 20 in my list.

If I had a better attention span, it would probably rank higher. It has so many memorable scenes. Great film.

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