Bluemoon's Official Top 100 Films

I know it's one of Sergio Leone's classic, but I've never seen it.

Westerns come just above gangster flicks in terms of genres and they're both pretty low for me - although I will have some positive comments about TG, TB and TU when it appears!

Having said that, westerns and gangster films appearing instead of super hero bollocks is a positive!
Sergio Leone liked to tell the story of a cinema in Paris, where the film ran uninterrupted for two years. When he visited this theater, he was surrounded by fans who wanted his autograph, as well as the projectionist, who was less than enthusiastic. Leone claimed the projectionist told him "I kill you! The same movie over and over again for two years! And it's so SLOW!"
Godfather. Mad Max. Alien. Night of the living dead. Terminator. All better than the sequels for me. Only sequel that gets better I can think of is For a few dollars more, and Good, Bad, Ugly was even better. Evil dead 2 was better, but it was just a remake, like saying Heat was better than LA Takedown.
Of course — GBU. Stupid of me. On my list and near the top too!
I can't think of a single sequel I think is clearly better than the original, including GF2 or Empire, although I like the DeNiro sequences best of anything in any of the Godfathers, which is really a prequel to the original Godfather, and I like Rogue One better than Star Wars, also a prequel. I think of Aliens and T2 the same way -- I enjoyed the sequels more viscerally, but I think the originals were better films (more claustrophobic as someone else said and therefore scarier, and reliant on ideas more than pyrotechnics).

Having said that . . . do we consider Bond films sequels? In that case then I like quite a few better than Dr. No. And we haven't seen any Bond films on the list yet, have we?

I'm going to wait to comment on Empire.

I still prefer a New Hope to Rogue One but the latter is a great prequel.

Tricky with the Bond films because they were based on a series of books so they're not sequels in quite the way a lot of movies. I do have a Bond film in my Top 20 and it sure as shit ain't Dr No but it is a Connery Bond and it obviously won't be one I tick off as featuring in the BM 100.
Ok, I’ll give you Wrath of Khan. Hadn’t thought of that one.

I don’t agree on Toy Story.

I haven’t seen Evil Dead 2 (yet — in joke from one of the films in my top 20!) nor the others.

Deffo don't agree on Toy Story and I've seen 1 & 2 more times than any other films.

Too long since I watched the Evil Dead movies to comment.

Dawn of the Dead is a good shout.

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