Bluemoon's Official Top 100 Films

Or Blade Runner . . .

If you're right there's not a single Bond film in the Top 100 and that I didn't expect. And only one Hitchcock. Maybe the popularity over here is far greater?

I've been a little surprised at how many "blockbusters" have shown up on this list overall. Not much room for great but smaller-story films.

I nearly left a Bond movie out of my Top 20 for tactical reasons but decided just to be honest.
Another thought — no Planes, Trains and Automobiles yet which is a movie I think is wildly overrated and not that funny but I know many thread denizens like.

The “Why was X missing?” posts are going to last long after number one is named. I plan to go on an especially long rant when Spinal Tap misses out.
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I can rest easy knowing that. Empire is a fairly MOR mag, and Star Wars has lots of devoted fans who fire the votes in when asked. Not unlike Liverpool fans on some BBC Sport survey.
It does seem a bit like some votes on here have been submitted with the aim of matching up to the expected results, like you would see in Empire?
TESB is a good film and easily the best of that trilogy, but no number of Empire readers will convince me it’s the second greatest film of all time. Although it’s all a bit of fun and a chance to compare opinions and maybe pick up some recommendations along the way.
No it's not the second greatest move of all time: I only had it a number 3. Mind you, I wasn't voting for what I think are the greatest movies; just may favourites. Although, in the case of my #1 pick I'd say it is also the greatest movie of all time. Funnily enough, Empire readers would agree but we'll have to wait to see if BM members know their stuff.

TESB is a great movie as far as I am concerned but of course this is all subjective to a great degree. Pretentious arthouse lovers for instance wouldn't agree - just an example and not directed at anyone in particular, before anybody gets upset.

I take the view that movies are primarily meant to be entertainment for the masses - there wouldn't be many movies otherwise - so truly great movies should be popular enough to be profitable at the box office. That doesn't mean the public always catch on.
I had one too which I’ve always loved (though the book was better).

Only read a few of the books, not sure if I thought any were better than the films but it was so long ago. Fair to say the movies often strayed from the book.

I think there's just too many of them so votes could have been spread. Not my choice but I did wonder if Skyfall would make it into the 100.
No Peter Weir either - Dead Poets Society, Gallipoli, Withess, The Mosquito Coast, all superb.

But yes, polls like this are going to put the old favourites at the top for the simple reason that they are loved by many. I’m sure one or two of my top 10 guesses will miss out and there will be a couple of surprises though.

Anyway, footy starts soon, so I’ll look forward to the top 10 starting tomorrow. This thread has been brilliant - top marks to BlueHammer (and FogBlue and fellow posters with their opinions) for bringing a bit of entertainment to these grim times.
*cough* Citizen Kane *cough*
*cough* Vertigo *cough*

That's a bad cough. Should probably get a covid test.

Kane was for a long time the critics choice but its standing seems to a waned even there. I'd be quite surprised to see it pop up in the final 10 here but what do I know!

I only ever watched Citizen Kane once and it did impress but it wouldn't go on my would watch over and over list.

I like Hitchcock films a lot but Vertigo, fine movie though it is, wouldn't top that list - Rear Window being my personal favourite.

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