bnp have an elected mep

TheMightyQuinn said:
emptypockets said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
There should however be a club for inadequate feeling white men, millions would join.

0.9 mil so far

We#d have to listen exclusively to classical music I'm afraid due to the blackness of other music, won't be gay though.

We'll always have Plan B though
emptypockets said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
emptypockets said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
There should however be a club for inadequate feeling white men, millions would join.

0.9 mil so far

We#d have to listen exclusively to classical music I'm afraid due to the blackness of other music, won't be gay though.

We'll always have Plan B though

Have you seen the film Soul Man from the 80's? That's plan B!
kronkonite said:
you really need to turn left
who are the exploiters of labour who allows capital to migrate into tax havens whilst labour is trafficked around for measly wages ,exploitation ,slavery?

laissez fair capitalist scum and criminal gangs that's who

It is necessary to globalise resistance through trade unions and other organisations against the wordwide oppression of the poor

war ,poverty ,competition for crap low paid work feeds fascism

it's time the left pulled itself out of this pathetic crisis it's got itself into and fought back against the divisive dicks of the right

It's no surprise that the collapse of laissez faire capitalism results in massive gains for laissez fair capitalists

Intervention and natiolnalisations are essential across europe in order to safeguard jobs and stimulate growth

tHe continuing madness of the free market advocated by the victory of the Right is a disaster for Europe and will lead to horrible austere lives for the European working class

Give me a break, How can laissez faire collapse when it hasn't been in use??

Intervention in the economy is what caused this recession! (and intervention is what could turn it into a depression) From Fanny Mae(etc.) to artificially low credit,the money supply and past 'stimulus's', the origins of this crisis, and others in the last 100 years, have been a result of Government intervention in the market place.

...but don't let that stop you from peddling your regurgitated tripe.
kronkonite said:
i've spent 30 years arguing that the fundamental social division is class not race for this truth to be refuted by some is criminally ignorant

You're correct. However, the divider is Government.

It is the drug laws, government subsidisation of the poor (welfare). bail outs (corporate welfare), government granted monopolies etc etc. that exasperate the problem (class), which will always be with us (unless you outlaw inheritance - which would be tyrannical), because it makes it harder for the individual, and therefore his/her family, to climb the ladder (so to speak). Once you have all these subsidies in place, which multiply the problems being subsidised, you will have everybody, who 'benefits' from them, fighting to increase their slice of the pie at the expense of others.

The very existence of the State, an almighty ring of power, breeds class war and turns everybody into Gollum.

"Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."
Frederic Bastiat
As for the BNP. They are a racist/fascist organization and anybody who votes for them, knowing this, should hang their heads in shame. If they voted for them not knowing that they are fascists then why the hell are you voting? I'm an anarchist, but do the others who do vote a favour and do not vote until you have atleast some basic understanding of politics in this country!

This is simple. If you voted for the BNP you're either a scumbag or fucking stupid. That's it.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Helmet Cole said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Lets see if they deliver on their promises and represent their constituents before we get all Guardianesque about them.

Do you mean return/repatriate their constituents?

No, they will not be able to do that. I mean will they be present at clinics, will they listen to their constituents, will they ask the questions WE the electorate want answering, that kind of things. Most people voted BNP as a protest to the self serving pigs who take a lot out and give back very little, yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
Your last line absolutely puzzled me. They are racist fuckers, my gf is half black, what would they do to her? throw her out? They are insane cunts, they speak no sense what so ever
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Funny how the black police federation don't allow white members, but no one bats an eyelid...
Do you not understand why there was a need for such organisations to be established in the first place? If policemen from ethnic minorities had not been treated like shit for years by "institutionally racist" white officers, the Black Police Federation wouldn't even exist. Why would or should it include white members? Should Jewish synagogues be forced to embrace Nazi veterans?
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
'Murdered black teenager' stephen Lawrence
Are you sure you're not a BNP activist? Because you're very good at spouting one liners that, on the surface, suggest the oppression of the white man but in fact suggest nothing of the sort or, in this particular case, the complete opposite. Stephen Lawrence was killed in a racially-motivated attack by 5 scumbag white supremecists. Do you honestly think that his race is not an issue in this particular story?
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
What about the MOWO awards?
And here you go again. The MOBO awards are about the origin of the music and nothing to do with the race of the people performing it. Here's a picture of a black man picking up his MOBO award (the horrible racist bastards):


I know you're just a pathetic WUM who sits in his bedroom masturbating about how he's got a load of strangers riled on an internet forum by throwing around random controversial one-liners, and as such I shouldn't rise to the bait. But I can't help myself when I see other gullable Bluemooners actually agreeing with the hateful nonsense you spout.

You actually sound just like the bitter BNP-supporting clown on 5Live the other day whose main gripe with the state of the nation seemed to be the fact that he could no longer wear his Golliwog hat without being labelled racist. If that's the kind of character you want your internet persona to come across as then you need to give your head a great big fucking wobble.

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