bnp have an elected mep

kronkonite said:
I prefer I agree not with a word you say but I reserve the right to egg you on (your fascist suit)for saying it

Kronkonite, I thought you were an anarcho-pacifist, or have i misunderstood you lol
Cheesy said:
ElanJo said:
Cheesy said:
According to reports the BNP, particularly in the North, are pulling support away from traditional Labour voters! How the hell is this happening seeing as they are supposedly from opposite ends of the political spectrum?

Since when?

The BNP are as "far left" as they are "far right" . It's one reason why the left-right political spectrum is utter garbage.

;-) This is what I was actually trying to get at mate only I was kind of hoping to draw out some of our closet extremists. Darn you & your intellect!

I was kind of hoping to draw out some of our closet extremists

Really? Why would you want to do that on a MCFC board?
mrcunny said:
Was there any need for this?

bluetoby said:

yeah kinda. look at the words.

yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.


brooklandsblue2.0 said:

Okay, there's the first bit, readily agreeing to the fact the BNP have some 'QUESTIONABLE' policies. Which ones? I'll start with this:

"The BNP stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples. It is therefore committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration".

"The BNP makes much of its policy of voluntary repatriation but if you read the small print it states clearly that the option of compulsory repatriation would be open to any BNP government".

So, you can tell any non-white friends about 'all the sense they spoke if you ignore ALL THE RACIST SHIT as you're waving them off on the boat back to where their grandparents came from.

What's that you say? You want to hear about the impact these 'questionable' policies will have? Maybe the whole dismantling of the NHS once 16% of nurses and 58% of new doctors are "sent back where they came from".

I'm sure you and your non-white chums find those policies very questionable. Or do your non-white friends that you buy kebabs from or coach football to find those policies a little bit more than questionable? Do they find these policies mildly outrageous, or full on outrageous. Next time you're in Abduls please ask the friendly staff behind the counter if they think those policies are questionable.

These policies are fronted by Nick Griffin, a man who believes homosexuality is a "disorder which shortens life expectancy by decades, and has brought the world one of the most deadly plagues since the Black Death." He wrote after a gay pub was bombed that "TV footage of dozens of gay demonstrators flaunting their perversions in front of the world's journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures so repulsive." Be sure to also ask any of your non-heterosexual friends if they are in fact repulsive creatures, or see if they too think that the BNP's policies are a tad questionable.

brooklandsblue2.0 said:

This is my main gripe, because if you believe that the BNP is right, if you think that non-whites should be sent back to the home of their grand-parents because it will have a direct positive impact on your life, then I understand where you're coming from, regardless of the basic human rights issues.

If, as I believe is the case from my understanding Brooklandsblue2.0, you think that the racist shit is as you so eloquently call it 'Racist Shit', surely that's it. Surely that's a line that you don't cross. If you really really really (delete repeated word? No, it's for emphasis thanks MSWord) REALLY believe that it is racism that their party is built on and that that (delete repeated word? No thanks MSWord, that's actually grammatically correct believe it or not dude!) racism is 'shit' then you can't go further than that to find any nuggets of 'speaking sense' deeper within, because it all comes from that root. There is no non-racist strand of the BNP, there's nothing cool and groovy, lefty and liberal about it. If you disagree with their main point, then the rest is worthless to you.

I can't get my head round the thinking that you can just ignore their massive flaws to find one or two buzzphrases that latch on to current public worry about our current government and think that it makes sense. It's like knowing your best mate does snatch and grab muggings of old ladies, but letting it slide because he gives you lifts to places. You can't take the racist shit out of the BNP if you truly think that it is 'Racist Shit'. You can't do it. You're either with them or against them. The BNP is an far-right party and the fact that they can sway so many people who don't share their extreme views. Far right man! Not just 'a bit right wing', fucking FAR RIGHT. If you think they speak sense, at least admit that you agree with most of what they have to say and stop trying to be all liberal as well.

I have to admit that I didn't get my shit together in time to vote at all and I'm truly horrified at myself. I am absolutely GUTTED that I didn't vote.

Now, my representatives will align themselves with Dutch, Austrian, Danish and Hungarian fascists for a lovely shiny white Europe.

"Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP, was today elected to the European parliament.
The far-right leader won a seat in the North West region. Earlier Andrew Brons, another BNP politician won in the Yorkshire and Humber area. It is the first time the party has had an MEP elected."

The BNP claimed the victory was "kicking back against racism, because racism in this country is now directed overwhelmingly against people who look like me." (WHITE)

"The BNP succeeded because the other parties failed... In the North West just 2,500 more votes for the UKIP or slightly over 5,000 more for the Greens would have deprived Griffin of a seat.
The fact that nearly 70% of the electorate in these regions did not think it worth while to defend democracy by voting probably also made it easier for the BNP to gain the proportion of votes it needed.
The BNP vote in these regions fell compared to 2004, but low turnout from disillusioned voters allowed it to gain seats."

That's my own turmoil but at least I don't think any one of those shower are speaking any sense.

Love and Kisses

PistonBlue said:
blue_chili_pepper said:
so sorry to hear piston mate, im currently doing an electricians course myself and to hear that work is tough out there is heartbreaking! well looks like the army or raf is were i belong

They used to say sparking was the best trade to have, now we get treated like shit mate. 5 years in college, back to college every few years to do your regs again, more college work to progress up the ladder. And then they offer you £8 a fucking hour. Fuck that mate, it's a mugs game. You're still young, do something different like web design or go on big brother and act like a prick for a few weeks they'll make you famous.

mate, im not getting any younger, im 20 now! need to knuckle down and fucking do something productive with my life, because all in all, as the great legend once said, "life is a pigsty"! and i believe that
kronkonite said:
ElanJo said:
kronkonite said:
Intervention -huge capital projects,internationalism are the answer to the Nazi threat

laissez faire capitalism must not squeeze ordinary people into nazi choices

What the hell are you gibbering on about?

fuck off
if there's one thing worse than a fascist thug it's an anarchist know all

kropotkin had it right in your case

Yes, of course, someone who objects to the initiation of force, servitude, and the negative impacts of statism is worse than a fascist thug. Do you have any brains whatsoever?

The problem you have is that you just throw out slogans without backing them up with any reasoned argument or evidence. I've tried to engage in a debate with you countless times since I've been a member here but you either conveniently ignore my points and/or just spout more baseless slogans.
Listen here. The BNP are racist, anti scemitic, holocaust deniers, anti Islam, extremely right wing fascists and Nazi's. Anyone who votes for them is an absolute pr*ck.
Forzacitizens said:

what's you're stance on immigration blue?
Obviously illegal immigrants should not be here but I like the fact that Britain is seen as such a multi cultural and tolerant country. If we don't allow immigrants here then Britains' shouldn't be allowed to move to other countries either.
However BNP are simply racist and evil. Anyone who votes for them, whatever reason they give is a pr*ck.
Daviesmcfc said:
Forzacitizens said:

what's you're stance on immigration blue?
Obviously illegal immigrants should not be here but I like the fact that Britain is seen as such a multi cultural and tolerant country. If we don't allow immigrants here then Britains' shouldn't be allowed to move to other countries either.
However BNP are simply racist and evil. Anyone who votes for them, whatever reason they give is a pr*ck.

ok mate, just wondered if you think immigration levels have been to high. I think this is one of the main reason's why people chose to vote BNP, and the fact that the main parties don't seem to discuss it.
BurnCK said:
mrcunny said:
bluetoby said:
can't be bothered to read whole thread as i am sure its full of insults and the like. but my tuppeneth worth i'snt a democracy supposed to mean one person one vote no matter what views you hold and everyone has a right to hold whatever views they want.

Exactly..Some on this thread think they have the devine right to tell you how to vote and make slanderous/insulting comments if you dont see their point of view..

Dont think anyone has told you how to vote.....just what they think of you if you did vote for them.

and if anyone tried to tell me how to vote,id smash them to the ground and jump on his head with my doc martins..

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