bnp have an elected mep

What a crappy way to start the day. I find it utterly dispiriting that on a weekend we've been remembering the sacrifices of those who took part in D-Day to liberate Europe from facism, that the UK has elected two members of a fascist party. There's something grimly ironic about it all.

They've been on the radio this morning denying that they're a racist party; let's see which grouping in the European Parliament they align themselves with. I'm willing to bet they join in alongside the other proto-fascists, racists and holocaust-deniers.

I fully expect them to turn out to be as incompetent as those handful of councillors they have had elected in the past, or the guy on the Greater London Assembly who is an utter embarrassment.
The BNP have made inroads because a section of society feel them to be the best party to represent their views. They are a racist party and have no place in politics in my view but because some voters feel they are not being represented felt little choice but to vote for them. The situation in Oldham is a prime example, racism works both ways and without reflecting the views of everyone impartially then bigots will thrive. As has been posted, a very low turnout and probably the steroetypical BNP voter turned out to place their x in the box. These people are disinfranchised with the way Westminster is full of corrupt , self serving cretins. So ordinary men & women are sick of politics and dont turn up at the polls. Again as has been pointed out this result is a failure of anyone that didn't turn to vote and stop this. The voters covered up their ears and this is what happens.

All right minded people look at the II World War and question how a whole nation could act as they did, this result illustrates it. We are a good, fair & tolerant nation going through bad economic & political times and when the mainstream parties are so corrupt and useless then the door is opened to extremist views, which then if not checked become mainstream themselves.

Slightly off tangent, I'm very Euro Sceptic. I'm In favour of a free trading block, co-operation & relations between countries that are mutually beneficial but overall I dont feel that is what the EU currently is , or it's long term agenda. As I have said above, we are a fair and tolerant nation. The far right have a bigger influence in some European countries than in the UK, so hypothetically in five years time if the far right control the Euro parliament would the UK be forced into adopting some of their extremist views simply by being 'in the Euro gang'?

These are the problems in my view, everyone sees it differently, and no I dont have the answers else I would be running for parliament

**edit** just formed my own political party, ONE policy, make anything to do with RAGS illegal. I vote me
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Helmet Cole said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Lets see if they deliver on their promises and represent their constituents before we get all Guardianesque about them.

Do you mean return/repatriate their constituents?

No, they will not be able to do that. I mean will they be present at clinics, will they listen to their constituents, will they ask the questions WE the electorate want answering, that kind of things. Most people voted BNP as a protest to the self serving pigs who take a lot out and give back very little, yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.

You cannot disassociate the BNP's prejudice from their policies - it's integral to them.
Not the finest day in our history is it? To be honest, I suspected beforehand that he would get enough votes and it annoys me that politicians are scratching their heads trying to work out why. He's taken support from the core Labour vote who are pissed off at the way the party continues to let down ordinary working class people.

Also sad that Griffin, a man who has gone on record as saying the holocaust never happened, delivered his acceptance speech in a city that was built on waves of immigration and that is home to around 30,000 Jews.

Today i'm ashamed to be a Mancunian.
ernesto said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Helmet Cole said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Lets see if they deliver on their promises and represent their constituents before we get all Guardianesque about them.

Do you mean return/repatriate their constituents?

No, they will not be able to do that. I mean will they be present at clinics, will they listen to their constituents, will they ask the questions WE the electorate want answering, that kind of things. Most people voted BNP as a protest to the self serving pigs who take a lot out and give back very little, yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.
all hail the oracle ffs

Unfortunately Ernesto that statement of BB's is correct. There was already huge apathy toward politics and especially the Euro elections from the electorate in this country. And then we find not only the Tories are in it for themselves but a number of Labour MP's (the party for the working person) are stealing thousands of pounds each.
Some people wanted to protest vote, other people only heard what they wanted to hear, but at the end of the day the MP's in the House of Commons have to take their share of responsibility
It's a good job that you only have to put an 'X' in a box. Anything more than this & the idiots who voted BNP wouldn't be able to manage it.
Ah fuk em the limey bastards...i do agree with some of their views but the rest are out of order like when Nick griffin said that there are no such thing as British asians or Blacks only racial foreigners....WANKER! or when he said that joey bartons half Brother DIDNT racially murder that black kid he was out of order...or when a Black British Soldier came back from War with the First victorian cross awarderd in 40 years <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 50318.html</a>
and nick griffin says he was only doing his job nothing special....what a loads of balls if the guy was white griffin would be shaggin his leg...and nick griffins says he is Racist...what a fukin hypocratical cock check this pic out of him on a NF march in the 80s <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... rT0001.jpg</a>
The plain fact whether we like it or not is they have been democratically elected and they will now have won the right to a lot more air time. It is the first time i heard him speak on 5 live this morning, he deflected a number of barbed comments by Nicky Campbell quite well to be honest, I think the media have a responsibility to not go down the Hitler route with him, it will only cement his core vote of tattooed star readers. We should listen to his views, argue against them and let him hang himself, I blame the media for his rise, they are so keen for a boogie man, the protest vote was only ever going to go to ukip or the B.N.P
As unpleasant as this result may be, we, and the government need to look at WHY a lot of intelligent people, as well as the BNP hardcore have voted for them. People I know who did it as a demonstration at how things are in areas they live....Oldham, Ashton and's a huge wake up call to the country that people are sick and tired of how things have's a slippery slope that does frighteningly mirror some of the history of Germany.....

''Can't happen here''.......yeah right, how many said that about the BNP even getting as far as they have?

The major parties need a good long look at the issues people are unhappy with. Really see why people felt they needed to vote BNP.

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