bnp have an elected mep

I don't think the BNP got a large amount of protest votes, I think that they just got their hardcore voters to vote. Voting for BNP is a big statement, and it's not a flippant vote. If you vote BNP, then you have strong views on them and what they stand for.

I doubt there's many people waking up with guilt thinking "Oh my God, BNP got in, I can't believe I voted for them". I think it's just that the only people who voted were the hardcore. Everyone else, the ones who could be persuaded to vote for a number of parties just didn't turn up to vote.

There will be plenty of people waking up this morning, seeing the result and who will moan about it, complain about the BNP etc, but they didn't actually vote.

I voted, and I'm concerned that the BNP were elected, but they were elected, fair and square, and you have to respect the views of the ballot box. You may not agree with it, but such is the way of democracy.
It's only for the European Parliament and i'm sure they will fit in very well with some of the other lovely parties represented there.
There's a great Polish one that our conservatives are going to join forces with that hate gays.I mean really hate them.
I understand anger at the expenses scandals and global economic problems, but to turn to the BNP is shameful. They make me ashamed to British. Well, seeing as I have a Polish grandad perhaps they dont even consider me British, my blood is not as racially pure as these Neo-Nazi thugs might like.

hitlers national socialist party recieved 37% of the vote.he was never elected chanchellor.its too complicated at this time of morning to describe what happened but its not as simple as people think..
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Helmet Cole said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Lets see if they deliver on their promises and represent their constituents before we get all Guardianesque about them.

Do you mean return/repatriate their constituents?

No, they will not be able to do that. I mean will they be present at clinics, will they listen to their constituents, will they ask the questions WE the electorate want answering, that kind of things. Most people voted BNP as a protest to the self serving pigs who take a lot out and give back very little, yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.

Yeah, take away the kiddie fiddling and paedophiles speak a lot of sense on communicating with and not ignoring children.

Take away the bestiality and donkey rapists talk a lot of sense on providing secure and modern stables for all animals.

Guess what? They are still paedophiles and donkey rapists. And anyone voting for them is still voting for that.

Anyone who has a thought process that goes "Well, some MPs are bent, so I'll vote for some fascists" or "Well, I think there should be a different immigration policy so I'll vote for a load of neo Nazis" must be either thick or as racist as the party they are voting for.

I am gutted that this fat prick was spouting his shite in Manchester of all places. Fucking hell, a place to be proud of and we get this fucking nob bigging it up here.
Helmet Cole said:
alextrueblue said:
the racist bastids have won yorkshire and humber?
andrew brons has won bnp's first seat in european parliament. How long will he last, sat next to all those foriegn m.p's?

I think you will find that sadly he was democraticly elected by "racist bastids".

so everyone who votes bnp are rascist?? get a grip you knob?
Here's your fat 'bloke who talks a lot of sense' showing his real colours and why he doesn't believe in the window dressing that seems to be 'a bit of common sense' to some idiots.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
mcfcant said:
Helmet Cole said:
alextrueblue said:
the racist bastids have won yorkshire and humber?
andrew brons has won bnp's first seat in european parliament. How long will he last, sat next to all those foriegn m.p's?

I think you will find that sadly he was democraticly elected by "racist bastids".

so everyone who votes bnp are rascist?? get a grip you knob?

No, some genuinely seem to be so thick that they think that they aren't lending their support to a fscist/racist party with it's ideological routes in Nazi theory

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