Body Scanner, Manchester Airport

sweynforkbeard said:
buzzer1 said:
When will you understand that there is no left, right or fuk all, they are all the same and answer to there puppet master. Its like a bank, the lad that works behind the glass in barclays really thinks that he is in direct opposition to the guy that works in RBS,offering better rates of inflation etc, when indeed they are one and the same, if you don't understand this, or worse refuse to understand it, then you really are fukd.
Did you see that word 'supposedly?'

But you realise that they are controlled by one and the same though yeah?
buzzer1 said:
sweynforkbeard said:
Did you see that word 'supposedly?'

But you realise that they are controlled by one and the same though yeah?
I've said in other posts that I believe there is now a political class-it has evolved over a number of years. I think we are locked in a barely distinguishable duality with the LibDems bleating ineffectively on the sidelines praying desperately for a hung parliament with 3 or 4 despicable or laughable one issue minnows (Greens, SNP, Nazis etc) picking up protest votes. I think that the political system needs a major overhaul somehow to regain some measure of trust from the electorate and beat back the destructive deeply felt sense of cynicism that hangs over the country.
sweynforkbeard said:
buzzer1 said:
But you realise that they are controlled by one and the same though yeah?
I've said in other posts that I believe there is now a political class-it has evolved over a number of years. I think we are locked in a barely distinguishable duality with the LibDems bleating ineffectively on the sidelines praying desperately for a hung parliament with 3 or 4 despicable or laughable one issue minnows (Greens, SNP, Nazis etc) picking up protest votes. I think that the political system needs a major overhaul somehow to regain some measure of trust from the electorate and beat back the destructive deeply felt sense of cynicism that hangs over the country.

Well matey, be careful what you wish for, as we are heading for a one govt. world, one world Army(nato) and next, coming to your country is good ol' Common Purpose, research these twats and not through the mainstream media with its biased view, look at the alternative news on Common Purpose, they are shaping our fukd up society in front of our disbelieving eyes, Common Purpose.
Personally, I don't know which way to go with this.

However I found this interesting:

The only fallible part of the system is the human aspect.

It does annoy me though, laws are passed and systems implemented, then the people who run them are security companies that bid the lowest on the tender.

One other thing is whats next: First a frisk down, then metal detectors, then body scanners. If this fails, whats next, rubber gloves?<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:00 am --<br /><br />
buzzer1 said:
sweynforkbeard said:
I've said in other posts that I believe there is now a political class-it has evolved over a number of years. I think we are locked in a barely distinguishable duality with the LibDems bleating ineffectively on the sidelines praying desperately for a hung parliament with 3 or 4 despicable or laughable one issue minnows (Greens, SNP, Nazis etc) picking up protest votes. I think that the political system needs a major overhaul somehow to regain some measure of trust from the electorate and beat back the destructive deeply felt sense of cynicism that hangs over the country.

Well matey, be careful what you wish for, as we are heading for a one govt. world, one world Army(nato) and next, coming to your country is good ol' Common Purpose, research these twats and not through the mainstream media with its biased view, look at the alternative news on Common Purpose, they are shaping our fukd up society in front of our disbelieving eyes, Common Purpose.

^^^^^^^^^^ Common Purpose.

When the spineless come out of the woodwork to tell us we are jumping at shadows, lizards or whatever, get yourself some first hand experience of these slimy yet very convincing people.
buzzer1 said:
sweynforkbeard said:
I've said in other posts that I believe there is now a political class-it has evolved over a number of years. I think we are locked in a barely distinguishable duality with the LibDems bleating ineffectively on the sidelines praying desperately for a hung parliament with 3 or 4 despicable or laughable one issue minnows (Greens, SNP, Nazis etc) picking up protest votes. I think that the political system needs a major overhaul somehow to regain some measure of trust from the electorate and beat back the destructive deeply felt sense of cynicism that hangs over the country.

Well matey, be careful what you wish for, as we are heading for a one govt. world, one world Army(nato) and next, coming to your country is good ol' Common Purpose, research these twats and not through the mainstream media with its biased view, look at the alternative news on Common Purpose, they are shaping our fukd up society in front of our disbelieving eyes, Common Purpose.
I've just Googled 'Common Purpose' and had a look at a few sites to do with it. One that claimed this training organisation was a conspiratorial front to implement a communitarian society and erode the nation state was pretty interesting (I am no fan of the EC)-until I came across the baldly stated fact that many charities are really government departments and specifically that Age Concern and the NSPCC are organisations designed to benefit the rich and powerful. I'm afraid all credibility just vanishes with a statement like that.
Stanley said:
Personally, I don't know which way to go with this.

However I found this interesting:

The only fallible part of the system is the human aspect.

It does annoy me though, laws are passed and systems implemented, then the people who run them are security companies that bid the lowest on the tender.

One other thing is whats next: First a frisk down, then metal detectors, then body scanners. If this fails, whats next, rubber gloves?

now that is funny.
Blumers Bloomers said:
Has anybody actually had to go through this yet?

Seen in the MEN tonight that somebody has refused to go through it and forfeited their flight as a consequence - if you've nothing to hide, whats your problem?

A MUSLIM woman was barred from boarding a flight to Pakistan after refusing to go through a new ‘naked’ full-body scanner at Manchester Airport on religious grounds.

Her companion also declined to be scanned for ‘medical reasons’.

The women were travelling together to Islamabad when they were selected to pass through the controversial security screen after checking-in at Terminal 2.

Both told airport staff they were not willing to be scanned. They were warned they would not be allowed to board the Pakistan International Airlines flight if they refused.

The pair decided they would rather forfeit their £400 tickets and left the airport with their luggage.

They are the first to refuse to pass through the £80,000 scanner, introduced by the government at Heathrow and Manchester airports last month.

The X-ray machines allow security staff to see a ‘naked’ image of passengers to show up hidden weapons and explosives.

Manchester Airport confirmed the passengers had refused to be scanned but said it had received no complaint from the women.

Test case

However, civil liberties campaigners say the incident could form the basis of a legal test case to challenge the use of the Rapiscan device in airports.

Alex Deane, director of campaign group Big Brother Watch, said the organisation would represent the women if they wished to challenge the decision in court.

He said: “People shouldn’t have to sacrifice their health, their faith, their dignity, or their privacy in order to fly.

“People with health and religious concerns shouldn’t be forced to go through these scanners if they have good reason not to. Foolishly, the government has ignored both issues and ignored privacy concerns to boot – they are in the wrong on this.”

There is one Rapiscan scanner in use in a trial at Manchester Airport’s Terminal 2, which has seen 15,000 people pass through it. A further two devices – one each for Terminals one and three – have been delivered and are set to be operational within the next month.

The scanners have been criticised by the human rights group Liberty and also the government’s own Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Only selected passengers are scanned. Security staff say they are chosen at random and not according to race, religion or ethnicity.

Councillor Afzal Khan, who was Manchester’s first Asian lord mayor, said the vast majority of Muslims believed that any privacy concerns should be outweighed by ensuring they are safe when flying.


He said: “Hundreds of Muslim passengers have gone through without a problem. While I appreciate people’s concerns for privacy, these steps are necessary for our safety and security.”

A Manchester Airport spokesman said: “Two female passengers who were booked to fly out of Terminal Two refused to be scanned for medical and religious reasons.

“In accordance with the government directive on scanners, they were not permitted to fly.

“Body scanning is a big change for customers and we are aware that privacy concerns are on our customers’’ minds, which is why we have put strict procedures in place to reassure them that their privacy will be protected.”

rules are rules, and if you don't like it, fucking walk!!!
if it wasn't for all the nut-jobs trying to blow shit up, this wouldn't even have been a problem.
Because there is an onus on 'muslim extremist activity', these two women will play the discrimination card, but in actual reality, its the same for everyone.
so now you have lost your £400. don't bother trying to get a refund! and i think anyone else refusing to use the scanner should be banned from all UK airports for a minimum of 5 years. hopefully that should make them think twice about refusing to conform to safety standards brought in place to try to protect us as we travel
scowy68 said:
Violation of those poor Muslim womens Human rights,it think it's a disgrace.
its a disgrace that people have to fear for their lives sometimes, these people say they have nothing to hide, so why refuse going through the machine, everybodys in the same boat so to speak
BlueTrueBlue said:
The problem is when they first implimented these machines after the Somalian attempted attack (which by the way was discovered to be a CIA led false-flag operation), the authorities gave the option to passengers refusing the Machines to have the pat-down through security instead. Now there hell-bent on making sure the Public passes through unproven/untested Technology which is not only dangerous, but will also be found to be Militaristic in design if you look at the purpose of their design. Put it simply were Guinea Pigs for Radiation/Gamma-Ray tests, the effects of which will only be known in decades to come.
I would rather walk than fly.

Get a grip you tosser.
I fly virtually every week and though I wouldn't refuse to be scanned, I wouldn't fancy being scanned every week just in case it can cause health problems.

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