Boris Johnson....

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It's mostly just an act to seem less evil and Tory. Most normal people just see him as a bit of an idiot, instead of the cynical, unpleasant toff that he actually is. He is probably the most out of touch politician of the lot, which is almost an achievement. How the fuck the people of London voted him mayor is a damning indictment of both their intelligence and their character.
BigOscar said:
It's mostly just an act to seem less evil and Tory. Most normal people just see him as a bit of an idiot, instead of the cynical, unpleasant toff that he actually is. He is probably the most out of touch politician of the lot, which is almost an achievement. How the fuck the people of London voted him mayor is a damning indictment of both their intelligence and their character.

Haha, remind me who the Labour leader is? Whilst we are at it, who's shadow deputy PM and Shadow Chancellor?
foxy said:
BigOscar said:
It's mostly just an act to seem less evil and Tory. Most normal people just see him as a bit of an idiot, instead of the cynical, unpleasant toff that he actually is. He is probably the most out of touch politician of the lot, which is almost an achievement. How the fuck the people of London voted him mayor is a damning indictment of both their intelligence and their character.

Haha, remind me who the Labour leader is? Whilst we are at it, who's shadow deputy PM and Shadow Chancellor?
I don't think anyone looks at them as anything other than the cynical, unpleasant people that they are, hence why they are all so unpopular. Johnson has put on this Mr Bean act to distract from this and an awful lot of people fall for it and he has been allowed to get away with all sorts of things that no other politican would of, all because people think he's just some bumbling idiot.
BigOscar said:
It's mostly just an act to seem less evil and Tory. Most normal people just see him as a bit of an idiot, instead of the cynical, unpleasant toff that he actually is. He is probably the most out of touch politician of the lot, which is almost an achievement. How the fuck the people of London voted him mayor is a damning indictment of both their intelligence and their character.

Yep all of the people of London are just so fucking stupid they voted him in. Then they did it again! The thick, silly cockney idiots!
However, you know better than all of them don't you?
Maybe he was just a far better candidate the one offered by the Labour party or any other political party and the people voted for him?
Its called democracy.
A nasty vindictive man who allegedly threatened a critic with a visit from some thugs. He is also singularly incapable of keeping his dick in his trousers. He also had another reporter he didn't like banned from a press conference.(what other twat do we know who did that?). He will never amount to anything politically because there are just too many skeletons in his cupboard.
denislawsbackheel said:
A nasty vindictive man who allegedly threatened a critic with a visit from some thugs. He is also singularly incapable of keeping his dick in his trousers. He also had another reporter he didn't like banned from a press conference.(what other twat do we know who did that?). He will never amount to anything politically because there are just too many skeletons in his cupboard.

Yeah, yeah... but, but, but he's a jolly good chap.
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