Boris Johnson

As Mayor of London he closed 65 Police Stations, 10 Fire Stations ( meaning the loss of 550 fire fighters and 13 pumps ) and blew £43m of public money on a fantasy Garden Bridge project that never happened. Thats just off the top of my head. I don't even think he was a Mayor that was good for London.
Are Boris' bikes still around?
It was even worse than that. People close to him have stated that he didn’t actually want to leave the EU. He thought it would be a close win for remain and his reputation would be enhanced by his campaigning. He was ashen faced on the morning after the referendum.

He’s the most incompetent Prime Minister in British history. Worse than Truss.
Chamberlain took some beating.
Chamberlain took some beating.
You’ve (I think) posted in these terms before, but I simply cannot agree that he’s even close to either of those two. Questions can be raised about his morality towards Poland and Czechoslovakia, but what choice did he have in September 1938? It wasn’t like we didn’t engage in significant rearmament thereafter.

What alternative course was reasonably available to him at the time?

To compare him with these two is well wide of the mark.
Chamberlain took some beating.

Chamberlain is much maligned, sacrificed on the alter of the cult of Churchill.

The British Empire had lost close to a million men only 20 years earlier, the country had gone from the richest in the world to bankruptcy in just over four years, then the Spanish flu, then poverty and political turmoil in the twenties, then the Great Depression in the thirties. No one in the UK wanted war and when it became unavoidable Chamberlain bought us time.

Having staked his all on peace in our time, when war broke out he knew he had to go.

Johnson and Truss are incompetent, sleazy, political nobodies, they're not fit to be mentioned in the same sentence as Chamberlain.

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