Boris Johnson's Popularity

strongbowholic said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Is this more a case of "the left" "lefties" and labour fearing that they know he will lift the conservatives up and most probably win an election rather than anything else?????????
No, it's more a case of people chewing the fat on an internet forum.

I'm just surprised we all accept, and are seemingly happy that, a person of power and authority puts on a front and portrays himself as an eejit.
So long as he isn't an idiot, that's the main thing for me really.
strongbowholic said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Is this more a case of "the left" "lefties" and labour fearing that they know he will lift the conservatives up and most probably win an election rather than anything else?????????
No, it's more a case of people chewing the fat on an internet forum.

I'm just surprised we all accept, and are seemingly happy that, a person of power and authority puts on a front and portrays himself as an eejit.
The reason I think its not put on as other people think is that the cleverest people I have know intellectually had no fucking common sense they could tell me the secrets of the universe in a mathematical formulae but not turn on a kettle
SWP's back said:
Mike D said:
SWP's back said:
People lived with a 40% top rate perfectly well didn't they Mike?

You really think like over half the voting electorate will be put off by that?

But your blinkers away.

Which half are we talking about ?

At the last reckoning only 10% actually pay the top rate?

Do you really think that the electorate is going to accept more cuts to there lifestyle and top ups for the 10%. Really and I thought that you right wingers were deluded but jesus this takes things to another level.
You think the top rate of tax is an important issue for the majority? Honestly?

The politics of envy alive and well I see.

I find it very disturbing that you think that its okay for 10% of society to pay less tax in these difficult times that we are in. You can hardly preach to the masses about austerity and how we are all in this together then give tax breaks to the very rich.

Surely you can see its is morally wrong that the very people who got us into this mess are getting away scott free. In all honesty when you are collecting your 7 figure salary does £40k make that much difference?

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
VOOMER said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I fucking wouldn't.
The Bullingdon bullshitter would be phoning his chauffeur and off like a shot.
So he got a first in classics and has a sense of humour.
Pol Pot probably had a stock of great one-liners too.
He's still a prat,and I don't give a fuck if a bunch of dim cockneys prattle on about him sorting the underground out.
Mussolini made the trains run on time,and he was a **** as well.
I don't hate him for being a toff - I hate him because he is a prick.
It's that simple.
No class war,no smoke,no mirrors.
Why a bunch of working class/middle class northerners are falling over themselves to welcome him to their bosom simply baffles me.

Hold on there, believing he would actually be more use to me than a cold cock specialist like Barton, doesn't mean I'd vote for him. However, why is he a prick and not line my own pockets Ken Livingston?

If you read the last page or two,I have explained exactly why he is a prick.
Did I say Livingstone wasn't a prick?
He was a shameless self-promoting wanker who is miles away from socialism.
But the biggest difference between him and Son Of Dumbledore is that he will never lead his party,and possibly the country,whereas Doris could.

You haven't explained in any depth, or reason why he's a bigger prick than you , I , or anyone else for that matter. If your stand point is that he's a prick, and that its not a class issue,why imply that people below Laird class from the north should automatically hate someone, they have never met? Then anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion is a "Cockney"? I could point out that Karl Marx and Joseph Engels migrated from Manchester to London and it was in London that they based the communist league in 1849, but you already know that. Nij, if you want to have an impact against these self serving *astards, wouldn't you agree that you would need expand on your reasoning beyond insults like "Son of Dumbledore" and "Doris" as the basis of your debate? Or do you just hate anyone not like you?
Mike D said:
SWP's back said:
Mike D said:
Which half are we talking about ?

At the last reckoning only 10% actually pay the top rate?

Do you really think that the electorate is going to accept more cuts to there lifestyle and top ups for the 10%. Really and I thought that you right wingers were deluded but jesus this takes things to another level.
You think the top rate of tax is an important issue for the majority? Honestly?

The politics of envy alive and well I see.

I find it very disturbing that you think that its okay for 10% of society to pay less tax in these difficult times that we are in. You can hardly preach to the masses about austerity and how we are all in this together then give tax breaks to the very rich.

Surely you can see its is morally wrong that the very people who got us into this mess are getting away scott free. In all honesty when you are collecting your 7 figure salary does £40k make that much difference?

£150k isn't very rich and they don't pay less tax do they? They pay more than anyone else.

It is hardly a tax break when they are still paying 5% (minimum £7,500) than they were 3 years ago.

I find it very disturbing that the jealous few on here are so desperate to try and get their pound of flesh from everyone else.

£40k on a seven figure salary doesn't seem very much to you no, however the top rate comes in at £150k, that is not 7 figure.

edit: can you explain how those earning £150k+ got "us into this mess"?
Mike D said:
SWP's back said:
Mike D said:
Which half are we talking about ?

At the last reckoning only 10% actually pay the top rate?

Do you really think that the electorate is going to accept more cuts to there lifestyle and top ups for the 10%. Really and I thought that you right wingers were deluded but jesus this takes things to another level.
You think the top rate of tax is an important issue for the majority? Honestly?

The politics of envy alive and well I see.

I find it very disturbing that you think that its okay for 10% of society to pay less tax in these difficult times that we are in. You can hardly preach to the masses about austerity and how we are all in this together then give tax breaks to the very rich.

Surely you can see its is morally wrong that the very people who got us into this mess are getting away scott free. In all honesty when you are collecting your 7 figure salary does £40k make that much difference?


Taxing the rich more is fine, but it won't maker the slightest difference to anyone else. It the politics of greed, jealousy and envy. Their greedy, they want everyone to be greedy, if you haven't got someone else has, they want you jealous of and envious of that person. It keeps the masses distracted, while laws are passed and allows blame to shifted with out debate. The personal allowance should be £12,500 and all tax after that at 10% up to £100k after that 18%. VAT should be refunded on all UK manufactured goods (this is already applied for German made goods in Germany) anything where more than 25% of the assembly isn't in the UK will have the full 20% VAT applied. No windfall taxes against power companies, more a windfall refund and then standard pricing with the same protection for the consumer that is applied against EDF in France and E.ON AG in Germany. The removal of national insurance contributions for employers and two rates of corporation tax, linked with the number of UK based jobs, e.g 5,000 jobs 5% tax, below 10%, there's plenty more, but we have to stop government peddling this we'll them pay more and more on you will pay less!

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