Boycott the M*rror

We don't need to boycott the paper in the sense that we stop buying it. We should have a blanket boycott - the forum becomes a 'Mirror Free Zone'!
Anyone on Facebook who sees a story from The M*rror on their status, there is a v on the right hand side of the post. Click on the v and it gives you the option to unfollow The M*rror. M*rror free FB as well ;-)
Fook em
Don't the Daily Mail have articles on there site that they have just lifted from other papers. As long as you say where the source is from I thought it was ok.
Any chance we can have the email address of the puppet who is protecting McDonnell, Cross et al......

Just two no marks with no relevance in the modern media world, made up shit is exposed..... I propose a signature application for members, that way any stuff that is plagiarised from the andrex substitutes, can be countered with..... Or just not quote as was initially stated!!!

Get GDM on some pro bono work, he's a lazy ****!!!

Not an email address but might be a good place to start - Barry Rabbetts, Executive Editor (content) and seems to have had hand in De Bryne flop headline - @BRabbetts
Just thinking about this a little bit more, and I have to say, I've got some sympathy with the owners and management of Trinity Mirror Group with regards to this matter.

When you consider how out of fashion print journalism is these days, they rely heavily on web clicks and the advertising they attract for their profits.

If they didn't take measures to protect this lucrative source of revenue, before long, their employees pension pots wouldn't even be worth nicking!

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