Boycott the M*rror

Just thinking about this a little bit more, and I have to say, I've got some sympathy with the owners and management of Trinity Mirror Group with regards to this matter.

When you consider how out of fashion print journalism is these days, they rely heavily on web clicks and the advertising they attract for their profits.

If they didn't take measures to protect this lucrative source of revenue, before long, their employees pension pots wouldn't even be worth nicking!

no sympathy whatsoever they write total lies for clicks
Thing is, although the cricket blog I write on is neither a commercial enterprise, nor remotely in the same scale, I know that I'd be pretty miffed if someone just copied and pasted what I'd written without making the effort to come and visit the site. On a personal level, it would feel a bit like cheating me out of what I'd taken the time to put together

ha ha that made me laugh ...
Can everyone calm down! This is a commercial website and not part of an Anonymous hacking campaign.

The law is quite clear on publishing plagiarised material. Once notice is given, then such actions should desist immediately.

Defamation also extends to posted comments. Fair comment and honest opinion are fine [such as 'It is my belief that there is a media bias against MCFC.'] but wild accusations are not.

Making threats is also, potentially, a criminal offence.

Interestingly, the days of 'What the papers say' on websites seem to be disappearing. Every publisher is now seeing the value of their own website content and pull, including Ric.

It may be that publishing images of the back pages [like the KDB flop one] are also strictly the subject of copyright [as for most other images downloaded from the net] but, as they don't generally detract from the commercial viable of the originating site, then there is a more laissez faire attitude to them [well, for now, at least].

In my view, for what it's worth, if you are interested enough to read something, then it is only fair that you click. I'd be grateful it's still free - for now. Murdoch won't be the last. Apparently, the FT sells 250k hard copies but has 750k payhing subscribers and that why Nikkei bought it at an inflated price.

Finally, I have just read that a Villa fan in Oz paid to boo Delph. quod erat demonstrandum
I'm gutted that I have to boycott the mirror. Where else am I going to read bogus stories about our troops commiting war crimes?
Just thinking about this a little bit more, and I have to say, I've got some sympathy with the owners and management of Trinity Mirror Group with regards to this matter.

When you consider how out of fashion print journalism is these days, they rely heavily on web clicks and the advertising they attract for their profits.

If they didn't take measures to protect this lucrative source of revenue, before long, their employees pension pots wouldn't even be worth nicking!
Perhaps they could try sports jounalism instead of rag/scouse arselicking shite, & maybe get more readers that way, instead of just telling lies to suit those wankers ?

Stop employing useless biased hacks & find a few people worth reading.
Just thinking about this a little bit more, and I have to say, I've got some sympathy with the owners and management of Trinity Mirror Group with regards to this matter.

When you consider how out of fashion print journalism is these days, they rely heavily on web clicks and the advertising they attract for their profits.

If they didn't take measures to protect this lucrative source of revenue, before long, their employees pension pots wouldn't even be worth nicking!

My father happened to be one of those employees in the 80s......

If you hadn't of written those last two lines I'd of thought you were being serious!!!
Can everyone calm down! This is a commercial website and not part of an Anonymous hacking campaign.

The law is quite clear on publishing plagiarised material. Once notice is given, then such actions should desist immediately.

Defamation also extends to posted comments. Fair comment and honest opinion are fine [such as 'It is my belief that there is a media bias against MCFC.'] but wild accusations are not.

Making threats is also, potentially, a criminal offence.

Interestingly, the days of 'What the papers say' on websites seem to be disappearing. Every publisher is now seeing the value of their own website content and pull, including Ric.

It may be that publishing images of the back pages [like the KDB flop one] are also strictly the subject of copyright [as for most other images downloaded from the net] but, as they don't generally detract from the commercial viable of the originating site, then there is a more laissez faire attitude to them [well, for now, at least].

In my view, for what it's worth, if you are interested enough to read something, then it is only fair that you click. I'd be grateful it's still free - for now. Murdoch won't be the last. Apparently, the FT sells 250k hard copies but has 750k payhing subscribers and that why Nikkei bought it at an inflated price.

Finally, I have just read that a Villa fan in Oz paid to boo Delph. quod erat demonstrandum

The OS do a what the papers say, do you think they have received the same email.

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