Bradley Lowery RIP x

Am truly, truely gutted for the family. To lose anyone to cancer is awful but to lose such a young little boy is just horrific.

How do you explain to a little boy that he is dying and will no longer be waking up to his mummy, Daddy and family.

Feel sick, upset and angry that no cure is available to help him.

I take my hat off to all the people who have helped him in many ways especially sunderlands Germaine Defoe. That photo with them both cuddled up together in the hospital bed will always stick in a lot of people's minds.

My thoughts are with you little lad and the tremendous work that the hospital staff do to help ease your suffering.
As a father of 3 incredible sons, I have no comprehension what this family is going through.
My thoughts are with them, although I appreciate that is little comfort or consolation to whatever hell they must be feeling.
The world can, at times be a cruel place.

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