Break ups...


Well-Known Member
19 Nov 2008
93:20 May 13th 2012
Tonight my girlfriend and I have decided to call it a day, I have been with her over a year and it has been the best year of my life, I could see this coming because two weeks ago we had a massive row and we still didn't get past it, I've been flat out drinking for two weeks to drown it out but I know drink isn't the answer to my problems, My head is all over the place and feel like there will be nobody else out there like her...

Any advice to get through this would be nice!!
You will roll your eyes mate but time.

I was with an ex for 5 years and regret losing it to this day.
That said i would not have met my current missus Nicky who i love just as much.

Have your binge mate you will feel numb for a while but you will wake up, just don't become a recluse.
Trust me going out in summer will stir your loins once more :)
Maybe instead of flat out drinking since the row U should've been trying to make it work mate? If not maybe U could see the problem wasn't worth fixing urself? Still time to work things out, if U want to!
If not, I know it hurts but move on, easier said than done I know(from personal experience) Good luck pal! :)
Maybe we have been living in our own little love bubble, I didn't see my mates as much as I should the last year since we got together my life seemed to be revolved around her, I didn't want to lose her but there was so much horrible things said that there's no coming back from it, I have been so nice to her since day 1 and feels like its been thrown back in my face, Am so confused it's unreal I don't know what am going to do.
sometimes relationships just run there course but it still hurts to break up,but take a deep breathe as it will be ok .there is a saying"this to will pass" which means you will not feel like this forever and you will get together with someone else and be happy again
Sorry, I know how you feel. I have in recent times had an experience like that. You can try to win her back . Words are just words sometimes. If you love each other it wont matter in the long run, you can forgive each other. Or you can just move on.
Time, like has already been said.. is your friend
Don't overthink it, most relationships have an expiration date, even the best ones.
Just learn from your experience.
And oh, and please don't ever neglect your friends for your lover, it almost never works.
Your social life can make you a whole lot more attractive, gives your partner much needed space too

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