Break ups...

1 big row and split up? If she's worth it then make up sex. If she's not then leave it be.

If you're going to finish with a woman after one big row then maybe relationships aren't for you man. Every girlfriend, wife, mistress will always have a big row with you

If my wife gets in a row with me I bend her over like a whore and tell her who's boss, my small willy!
Hi mate,

if you want to pm me do so if you check my threads you will see i went through EXACTY the same thing only a couple of months a go. the only difference is i didn't go on a drinking bend but psychologically and the way i felt there is no difference.

It was the worst feeling in the world and if i hadn't of landed myself a job as i direct result from the break up doing something i love i'm not sure if i would still be able to cope but i do but i can't forget it and i still have the same anger now as i did then.

One poster said to me " Instead of blaming her for everything you need to learn from it what you can do next time to stop it from happening" he was talking about the way my life evolved around her completly and although she was and still is %100 responsible for the relationship to end and i will never ever forgive her it took me a month or so to really understand what he meant and now i do & i won't ever, ever let a girl get to me and effect my life like that again. you can't do a single thing in your life without thinking about them or worrying about them and your happiness dictates on how the relationship is going does that sound familiar? I hated it mate hated hated hated it and now that i've been lucky in my escape and have come through the other end will do anything to help out someone else going through it.
Maybe we have been living in our own little love bubble, I didn't see my mates as much as I should the last year since we got together my life seemed to be revolved around her, I didn't want to lose her but there was so much horrible things said that there's no coming back from it, I have been so nice to her since day 1 and feels like its been thrown back in my face, Am so confused it's unreal I don't know what am going to do.

What you are going to do is move on.
Won't be easy and it'll take a bit of time but you will move on. 3 days from now it will feel easier, 3 weeks and you'll begin to think "hey its not so bad", 3 months and you are now thinking straight and learning from your experience.

3 years and you'll be in a place you once went with her only you'll have a new girl, better suited, on your arm. A smile of reflection will cross your mind.
Same things happened to me, feels shitty, really shitty. I know im drinking too much, but im sure it will pass eventually. Been a few weeks now and i really think i need to go out and get with other women.
Whats really worrying me though is its been so long i think ive forgotten how to pull! Im serious too!
Tonight my girlfriend and I have decided to call it a day, I have been with her over a year and it has been the best year of my life, I could see this coming because two weeks ago we had a massive row and we still didn't get past it, I've been flat out drinking for two weeks to drown it out but I know drink isn't the answer to my problems, My head is all over the place and feel like there will be nobody else out there like her...

Any advice to get through this would be nice!!

Strap on a pair and get on with your life. Cut her out completely and make it clear you can not/will not be friends (this is the easy way out and you'll simply be doing the "friends" thing in the slight hope she might learn to love you again- when she doesn't you'll feel worse). And don't bore your friends constantly talking about her after a few weeks, it gets boring- very boring. Basically in 6-12 months you'll be over it.
Keep your chin up mate as time will heal all things.

I broke up with my ex not too long ago and it fucking wounded me, i drank, lost my job and fell to pieces but then i pulled myself together, got back on my feet with work and stopped the drink had a top day out at Wemberlee with some top people and i realised life is too short for dwelling.

The sooner you can accept it and move on the better you will feel, it has took me around 2 months or so but im looking forward now and not back. I had a good chat with my pops (Rascal) a whinge and a beer spoke to Gazinio and toby a few times and it hits home after a little bit.

This girl was my world but i woke up and realised i can't sit in a dark corner all my life as no one can do the work, you have to do it yourself as hard as it seems.

If you want to chat more just give us a shout. Stay off the beer it will make things seem more and more difficult.
Pigeonho said:
You won't fucking feel it now, but time is a great healer. Do yourself a favour though, ditch the booze as it just makes the healing process take longer and makes it more likely for you to do something silly. Trust me on that.

This all day long!! I went through it and hit the self destruct button. Spending 200 quid on a Wednesday night in Chinese karaoke on my own just to try and feel normal. Don't fucking do it lad, more hassle than its worth. You'll get there in the end and you'll be better off for the experience.
BibbyBlue85 said:
Pigeonho said:
You won't fucking feel it now, but time is a great healer. Do yourself a favour though, ditch the booze as it just makes the healing process take longer and makes it more likely for you to do something silly. Trust me on that.

This all day long!! I went through it and hit the self destruct button. Spending 200 quid on a Wednesday night in Chinese karaoke on my own just to try and feel normal. Don't fucking do it lad, more hassle than its worth. You'll get there in the end and you'll be better off for the experience.
I wish i'd have thought of that! I spent the same each week on whisky, high strength lager and cocaine. A lethal and somewhat idiotic combo that got me into all kinds of predicaments.
Try a bit of counselling too, OP, if you feel it helps. Work told me to go and gave me little choice and I found talking to a complete stranger helped quite a lot.
And as far the time thing goes, well next summer I am getting married to the most beautiful woman i've ever met, and when I see my ex now and the fucko she dumped me for, I wonder what the fuck it was I was pining for, for so long.

In time you will post the same advice to whoever is going through what you are going through now.
BibbyBlue85 said:
Pigeonho said:
You won't fucking feel it now, but time is a great healer. Do yourself a favour though, ditch the booze as it just makes the healing process take longer and makes it more likely for you to do something silly. Trust me on that.

This all day long!! I went through it and hit the self destruct button. Spending 200 quid on a Wednesday night in Chinese karaoke on my own just to try and feel normal. Don't fucking do it lad, more hassle than its worth. You'll get there in the end and you'll be better off for the experience.

You went in a karaoke bar on your own and spent £200?! Were you singing or just sat drinking?
If i ever see you i need to shake your hand because that is some going!

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