Break ups...

Pigeonho said:
BibbyBlue85 said:
Pigeonho said:
You won't fucking feel it now, but time is a great healer. Do yourself a favour though, ditch the booze as it just makes the healing process take longer and makes it more likely for you to do something silly. Trust me on that.

This all day long!! I went through it and hit the self destruct button. Spending 200 quid on a Wednesday night in Chinese karaoke on my own just to try and feel normal. Don't fucking do it lad, more hassle than its worth. You'll get there in the end and you'll be better off for the experience.
I wish i'd have thought of that! I spent the same each week on whisky, high strength lager and cocaine. A lethal and somewhat idiotic combo that got me into all kinds of predicaments.
Try a bit of counselling too, OP, if you feel it helps. Work told me to go and gave me little choice and I found talking to a complete stranger helped quite a lot.
And as far the time thing goes, well next summer I am getting married to the most beautiful woman i've ever met, and when I see my ex now and the fucko she dumped me for, I wonder what the fuck it was I was pining for, for so long.

In time you will post the same advice to whoever is going through what you are going through now.

Fuck me Pige that's some cocktail. Glad you got through it pal.

OP listen to Pige's wise words
CTID1988 said:
BibbyBlue85 said:
Pigeonho said:
You won't fucking feel it now, but time is a great healer. Do yourself a favour though, ditch the booze as it just makes the healing process take longer and makes it more likely for you to do something silly. Trust me on that.

This all day long!! I went through it and hit the self destruct button. Spending 200 quid on a Wednesday night in Chinese karaoke on my own just to try and feel normal. Don't fucking do it lad, more hassle than its worth. You'll get there in the end and you'll be better off for the experience.

You went in a karaoke bar on your own and spent £200?! Were you singing or just sat drinking?
If i ever see you i need to shake your hand because that is some going!

Sure did mate. That's not the end of it, 300 quid a pop in sandy's for a brass 4 some. I started off drinking and singing but ended up passed out in the corner and being escorted out by the bouncer to be left sat against a wall without a fucking clue what to do. Rock bottom wasn't the word
BibbyBlue85 said:
CTID1988 said:
BibbyBlue85 said:
This all day long!! I went through it and hit the self destruct button. Spending 200 quid on a Wednesday night in Chinese karaoke on my own just to try and feel normal. Don't fucking do it lad, more hassle than its worth. You'll get there in the end and you'll be better off for the experience.

You went in a karaoke bar on your own and spent £200?! Were you singing or just sat drinking?
If i ever see you i need to shake your hand because that is some going!

Sure did mate. That's not the end of it, 300 quid a pop in sandy's for a brass 4 some. I started off drinking and singing but ended up passed out in the corner and being escorted out by the bouncer to be left sat against a wall without a fucking clue what to do. Rock bottom wasn't the word
Hitting rock bottom is quite a liberating feeling, as you know it will just get easier from there on in. Rock bottom for me was stocking up on the cocktail stated above, locking my house up with my and said cocktail inside and then proceeding to get absolutely ruined. I woke up at the bottom of my rather long garden in the pissing down rain at 3am, the house seeming like it was a million mile walk away and an empty bottle of whisky at my side. To this day i have no idea how I got there, what time I got there or what I did in the lead up to it. I stumbled back up to the house, got in bed and the next day brought about the change that was needed. No more booze or drugs, no more hurting people, no more bollocks and no more living in the past 7 years.
Atleast you didn't get left for another bloke, like me.

As people have been saying, time is a great healer. It's been five months now and whilst I am probably not completely over it, it certainly is a hell of a lot better.

Life is full of speedbumps, this is just a large one, but you will get over it.
BibbyBlue85 said:
CTID1988 said:
BibbyBlue85 said:
This all day long!! I went through it and hit the self destruct button. Spending 200 quid on a Wednesday night in Chinese karaoke on my own just to try and feel normal. Don't fucking do it lad, more hassle than its worth. You'll get there in the end and you'll be better off for the experience.

You went in a karaoke bar on your own and spent £200?! Were you singing or just sat drinking?
If i ever see you i need to shake your hand because that is some going!

Sure did mate. That's not the end of it, 300 quid a pop in sandy's for a brass 4 some. I started off drinking and singing but ended up passed out in the corner and being escorted out by the bouncer to be left sat against a wall without a fucking clue what to do. Rock bottom wasn't the word

Jesus, sounds rough. At least you've come out alright at the end of it eh.
£300 for a brass in sandys? She must of been a beaut. My mate (and yes, actually my mate before anyone says anything) payed £50, to be be fair she was a dog.
Im in the middle of all this at the moment, been 3 weeks since its finished but she keeps dangling out little things for me to cling on to, like there is still hope we can sort it. She tells me she never wants to see me again, never wants to speak to me, so i give her what she wants and i dont talk to her...3 days later i will get a text saying "you dont give a shit do you, you dont care, you havent even tried to speak to me" etc. Its been a shit few weeks and i have been drinking too much, booked myself a trip to rome this weekend to just get away from it
CTID1988 said:
Same things happened to me, feels shitty, really shitty. I know im drinking too much, but im sure it will pass eventually. Been a few weeks now and i really think i need to go out and get with other women.
Whats really worrying me though is its been so long i think ive forgotten how to pull! Im serious too!
bollocks..... it s just your mindset. get out ,enjoy yourself and they will come. i wasn t even ar$ed most times yet they made the effort. if it wasn t for me having one too many :(

....OP get and remember.... life is gooooood! ;)

on a side note: there`s no sensible bob on here cheesy! ;)
You're bound to feel a bit shitty now but booze will only make it worse because hangovers magnify everything.
I've been a bit upset about break ups in the past but if I'd have stayed with any of them, I wouldn't have my kids now.
It's probably better for you to find a girl who isn't going to give you a volley of abusive, hurtful remarks.
CTID1988 said:
BibbyBlue85 said:
CTID1988 said:
You went in a karaoke bar on your own and spent £200?! Were you singing or just sat drinking?
If i ever see you i need to shake your hand because that is some going!

Sure did mate. That's not the end of it, 300 quid a pop in sandy's for a brass 4 some. I started off drinking and singing but ended up passed out in the corner and being escorted out by the bouncer to be left sat against a wall without a fucking clue what to do. Rock bottom wasn't the word

Jesus, sounds rough. At least you've come out alright at the end of it eh.
£300 for a brass in sandys? She must of been a beaut. My mate (and yes, actually my mate before anyone says anything) payed £50, to be be fair she was a dog.
Im in the middle of all this at the moment, been 3 weeks since its finished but she keeps dangling out little things for me to cling on to, like there is still hope we can sort it. She tells me she never wants to see me again, never wants to speak to me, so i give her what she wants and i dont talk to her...3 days later i will get a text saying "you dont give a shit do you, you dont care, you havent even tried to speak to me" etc. Its been a shit few weeks and i have been drinking too much, booked myself a trip to rome this weekend to just get away from it
Whatever you do DO NOT respond to those texts. She's bang out of order doing that and is playing silly cunts with your head. Infact i'd go as far as changing your number.
Pigeonho said:
CTID1988 said:
BibbyBlue85 said:
Sure did mate. That's not the end of it, 300 quid a pop in sandy's for a brass 4 some. I started off drinking and singing but ended up passed out in the corner and being escorted out by the bouncer to be left sat against a wall without a fucking clue what to do. Rock bottom wasn't the word

Jesus, sounds rough. At least you've come out alright at the end of it eh.
£300 for a brass in sandys? She must of been a beaut. My mate (and yes, actually my mate before anyone says anything) payed £50, to be be fair she was a dog.
Im in the middle of all this at the moment, been 3 weeks since its finished but she keeps dangling out little things for me to cling on to, like there is still hope we can sort it. She tells me she never wants to see me again, never wants to speak to me, so i give her what she wants and i dont talk to her...3 days later i will get a text saying "you dont give a shit do you, you dont care, you havent even tried to speak to me" etc. Its been a shit few weeks and i have been drinking too much, booked myself a trip to rome this weekend to just get away from it
Whatever you do DO NOT respond to those texts. She's bang out of order doing that and is playing silly ***** with your head. Infact i'd go as far as changing your number.
Good advice.
Steer well clear of that one.
Pigeonho said:
CTID1988 said:
BibbyBlue85 said:
Sure did mate. That's not the end of it, 300 quid a pop in sandy's for a brass 4 some. I started off drinking and singing but ended up passed out in the corner and being escorted out by the bouncer to be left sat against a wall without a fucking clue what to do. Rock bottom wasn't the word

Jesus, sounds rough. At least you've come out alright at the end of it eh.
£300 for a brass in sandys? She must of been a beaut. My mate (and yes, actually my mate before anyone says anything) payed £50, to be be fair she was a dog.
Im in the middle of all this at the moment, been 3 weeks since its finished but she keeps dangling out little things for me to cling on to, like there is still hope we can sort it. She tells me she never wants to see me again, never wants to speak to me, so i give her what she wants and i dont talk to her...3 days later i will get a text saying "you dont give a shit do you, you dont care, you havent even tried to speak to me" etc. Its been a shit few weeks and i have been drinking too much, booked myself a trip to rome this weekend to just get away from it
Whatever you do DO NOT respond to those texts. She's bang out of order doing that and is playing silly cunts with your head. Infact i'd go as far as changing your number.

I made the mistake or responding and it just made things a whole lot worse. Even though it was only 3 days or not talking to her i think something settled a bit inside me and responding to her texts and stirring it all up again just took me back to the start.
Its like she doesnt want to split up with me, she just wants to teach me a lesson or something, for what i do not know. It didnt take her long before she was saying she didnt want to see or speak to me again anyway, no doubt i will get the same text saying i dont give a shit in a couple of days but il take your advice this time and ignore it!

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