Break ups...

Thanks for all the advice it has helped and I appreciate it, As for the 'Less of the drink and man up' Maybe you should should put yourself in my shoes and see how I feel, I still feel like sh*t, Am still on the booze, Am hoping it will pass...My worst nightmare is going to see her with another man, Look what am like now, Imagine what the f*ck am going to be like when that happens, I actually feel sick. I wish it was easy for me to man up and move on but it's not as simple as that...
You'll feel like crap for a while, then it'll ease off. Then you'll see her with someone else, feel like crap again and that'll ease off. I'll say it once again though, booze is a depressant, it makes things miles worse. The last time I felt like that, I went on bike rides up the canal to yorkshire. Clears your head a bit.
Tell her to fuck off and get another one. And if she gives you any shit tell her to fuck off and get another one. And if she........
And repeat.

Seriously though, life feels like its ending when it happens. Its not. Really.
I'm heading for a breakup myself, can't get over a situation without wanting to fill someone in - my girlfriend has a ex flame still lurking, they only went on two dates but nothing happened. He recently sent her a package in the post with a little note about how he misses her. He's then continued to text her recently, giving little updates on his life and so on.

She's not told him she has a boyfriend as she doesn't want to hurt his feelings as he's a 'nice guy' and hopes that he will 'go away'. She can't understand why I'm fucked off and says that it's not her fault.

Thank fuck City are in the FA Cup final....!
de niro said:
Maybe we have been living in our own little love bubble, I didn't see my mates as much as I should the last year since we got together my life seemed to be revolved around her, I didn't want to lose her but there was so much horrible things said that there's no coming back from it, I have been so nice to her since day 1 and feels like its been thrown back in my face, Am so confused it's unreal I don't know what am going to do.

What you are going to do is move on.
Won't be easy and it'll take a bit of time but you will move on. 3 days from now it will feel easier, 3 weeks and you'll begin to think "hey its not so bad", 3 months and you are now thinking straight and learning from your experience.

3 years and you'll be in a place you once went with her only you'll have a new girl, better suited, on your arm. A smile of reflection will cross your mind.

Yer in the wrong fuckin' job, de niro. Stuff that underlay, tek up counselling. There's a slot on morning TV - The de niro Show!
2sheikhs said:
Thanks for all the advice it has helped and I appreciate it, As for the 'Less of the drink and man up' Maybe you should should put yourself in my shoes and see how I feel, I still feel like sh*t, Am still on the booze, Am hoping it will pass...My worst nightmare is going to see her with another man, Look what am like now, Imagine what the f*ck am going to be like when that happens, I actually feel sick. I wish it was easy for me to man up and move on but it's not as simple as that...
You'll feel like crap for a while, then it'll ease off. Then you'll see her with someone else, feel like crap again and that'll ease off. I'll say it once again though, booze is a depressant, it makes things miles worse. The last time I felt like that, I went on bike rides up the canal to yorkshire. Clears your head a bit.

Analyze that!
Blue Til Death said:
Ive been told that if I go to the Cup Final instead of where she has had us booked for the last 6 months we are done.. Oh well.. Adios you selfish woman..

go to neither the place she wants to go, or the cup final, and spend the day in a puddle of your own piss and tears, clutching a whisky bottle.
that seems to be the way to deal with problems!!
and then blame everybody else!!!
Just so you know....

In a month or 2 when you are starting to be slightly happy again and moved on you will get a txt off her or bump into her in town or night out and it will bring you back down again and make you start thinking again about her.

Fear not, this is only a blip and you will recover again.... Stay strong!!

Bad thing is the seasons nearly over and you wont have much else to think about apart from her so id carry on drinking until August :-)

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