Break ups...

CTID1988 said:
Pigeonho said:
CTID1988 said:
Jesus, sounds rough. At least you've come out alright at the end of it eh.
£300 for a brass in sandys? She must of been a beaut. My mate (and yes, actually my mate before anyone says anything) payed £50, to be be fair she was a dog.
Im in the middle of all this at the moment, been 3 weeks since its finished but she keeps dangling out little things for me to cling on to, like there is still hope we can sort it. She tells me she never wants to see me again, never wants to speak to me, so i give her what she wants and i dont talk to her...3 days later i will get a text saying "you dont give a shit do you, you dont care, you havent even tried to speak to me" etc. Its been a shit few weeks and i have been drinking too much, booked myself a trip to rome this weekend to just get away from it
Whatever you do DO NOT respond to those texts. She's bang out of order doing that and is playing silly cunts with your head. Infact i'd go as far as changing your number.

I made the mistake or responding and it just made things a whole lot worse. Even though it was only 3 days or not talking to her i think something settled a bit inside me and responding to her texts and stirring it all up again just took me back to the start.
Its like she doesnt want to split up with me, she just wants to teach me a lesson or something, for what i do not know. It didnt take her long before she was saying she didnt want to see or speak to me again anyway, no doubt i will get the same text saying i dont give a shit in a couple of days but il take your advice this time and ignore it!
It's like a weird form of oneupmanship. She thinks that by you responding to that, she can be the one to tell you the way it is the next text. If you don't respond to a text that says 'you don't care', then you have that oneup on her as she will wish she'd not sent it, but if you reply and she tells you to leave her alone or whatevr, you will wish you hadn't sent that. Sounds petty but being the one who has that oneup on the other will make it easier, as you will feel you've had the final say.
Pigeonho said:
CTID1988 said:
Pigeonho said:
Whatever you do DO NOT respond to those texts. She's bang out of order doing that and is playing silly cunts with your head. Infact i'd go as far as changing your number.

I made the mistake or responding and it just made things a whole lot worse. Even though it was only 3 days or not talking to her i think something settled a bit inside me and responding to her texts and stirring it all up again just took me back to the start.
Its like she doesnt want to split up with me, she just wants to teach me a lesson or something, for what i do not know. It didnt take her long before she was saying she didnt want to see or speak to me again anyway, no doubt i will get the same text saying i dont give a shit in a couple of days but il take your advice this time and ignore it!
It's like a weird form of oneupmanship. She thinks that by you responding to that, she can be the one to tell you the way it is the next text. If you don't respond to a text that says 'you don't care', then you have that oneup on her as she will wish she'd not sent it, but if you reply and she tells you to leave her alone or whatevr, you will wish you hadn't sent that. Sounds petty but being the one who has that oneup on the other will make it easier, as you will feel you've had the final say.

Cheers, you've pretty much confirmed what ive been thinking. It did all seem like some kind of game. She doesnt usually seem the petty type but women do seem to change when they go off on one.
CTID1988 said:
Pigeonho said:
CTID1988 said:
Jesus, sounds rough. At least you've come out alright at the end of it eh.
£300 for a brass in sandys? She must of been a beaut. My mate (and yes, actually my mate before anyone says anything) payed £50, to be be fair she was a dog.
Im in the middle of all this at the moment, been 3 weeks since its finished but she keeps dangling out little things for me to cling on to, like there is still hope we can sort it. She tells me she never wants to see me again, never wants to speak to me, so i give her what she wants and i dont talk to her...3 days later i will get a text saying "you dont give a shit do you, you dont care, you havent even tried to speak to me" etc. Its been a shit few weeks and i have been drinking too much, booked myself a trip to rome this weekend to just get away from it
Whatever you do DO NOT respond to those texts. She's bang out of order doing that and is playing silly ***** with your head. Infact i'd go as far as changing your number.

I made the mistake or responding and it just made things a whole lot worse. Even though it was only 3 days or not talking to her i think something settled a bit inside me and responding to her texts and stirring it all up again just took me back to the start.
Its like she doesnt want to split up with me, she just wants to teach me a lesson or something, for what i do not know. It didnt take her long before she was saying she didnt want to see or speak to me again anyway, no doubt i will get the same text saying i dont give a shit in a couple of days but il take your advice this time and ignore it!

Been in the same situation mate and when I decided enough was enough and ignored her she then tried otherways, the worst was one night about 3am get a phonecall from her crying her eyes out saying she has broken down in the middle of nowhere and was scared shitless and nobody would help her (all her family practically disowned her for being an utter woman) anyway... I fell for it and got talking on the phone whilst I got ready as, as much as I hated her I would never leave someone in danger, until I heard a toilet flush in the background! I went mad and that was the last time I spoke to her as the morning after I got a new number.

Ignore her and move on matey,
what is it with people reaching for the booze as soon as they've got a problem?
fucking man up and get on with it.
leenik said:
what is it with people reaching for the booze as soon as they've got a problem?
fucking man up and get on with it.

That was a great contribution to the thead.

I tell ya what why don't you turn around get the fuck out and find something usefull to do with your life other than be a prick to other blues for no reason.

why post? twat.

and before you try and take a shot at me for some sort of drink use or something,

I don't drink. I don't Smoke AND I DON'T do any sort of drugs.

I was in the exact same position as this guy and it's put me from letting a year drift by being the most depressed i had ever been and suicidal to now being on the road to becoming the best in the world at the job i want to be as i DIRECT result of the break-up and situation that followed and just because he went on a drinking binge doesn't make him any less of a man and by what you post sat behind a computer screen it in fact he's quite clearly a much bigger man than you are.

Even if you were fishing you still deserved this post for just posting what you did in the thread to not help and just attempt to wind the people up that did reach for a drink just a waste of space.

Rant over. well for now anyway
Try being dumbed for a woman by a woman when your kids are 1 and 3! hard wasn't the word. but as everyone else has said it passes. i used to say i would never get over it. i went to relate, counselling all sorts. it took me 6 months to get rid of that thinkingabout it every second feeling. 12 months to be nearly there and 2 years too be totally over it. This was a 15 year relationship by the way. I honestly could not care less these days - 8 years on. but i would never leave myself that exposed to be hurt liek that again. ps my best method of feeling better was the gym!
Pigeonho said:
leenik said:
what is it with people reaching for the booze as soon as they've got a problem?
fucking man up and get on with it.
How is life there in perfectville?
This guy ... this fookin guy... I posted some weeks ago about how I had lost everything I could have lost in the space of a week. My woman, my job, my mother to cancer, my home... I ended up at our kids, utterly gutted and was told "stop being a prick and drinking blah blah it's all your own fault"
At the time I thought leenik was offering tough love just very bluntly worded, now I can't hold that view...

I hope you pull through better than I am doing at the moment O.P, my trouble is I take things to heart to much and I've wept on so many occasions, let it all out to someone if it gets on top of you as has been suggested, unloading on a stranger who wants to listen can be therapeutic.

Good luck blue

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