Brian Cox

Airplanes don’t fly “level” with the horizon at any height in normal flight, they fly with their nose in the air. Also, they don’t fly at a specific altitude, they follow a PRESSURE ALTITUDE, such that they follow an altitude given a constant pressure of 29.92 inHg. That can have them going up and down while seemingly staying “level,” so this “nose dip” nonsense is just that...nonsense!

Maybe Hodge can be introduced to a sniper? Hodge can try to prove there is no centrifugal force or gravity or curvature of the earth and any other of the bollocks he claims, by EITHER talking to him about these things OR letting the sniper prove it by trying to shoot him using his known inputs to compensate for the curvature of the earth over long distances.....

Either way, we will learn something...and Hodge’s epiphany will be his last thought!

Oh, and I can’t believe anyone is wasting oxygen on this bullshit after he has made it clear that there is no evidence good enough to convince him!
Like you have ;-)

He's never come back with any "proof" yet, so I think he may dodge that particular bullet again.
It's not wasting oxygen. Bullshit like this should always be challenged and debunked, even ridiculed. Get people used to believing any old shite without evidence and you end up with shite like Trump getting elected. Idiocy and lies should always be challenged.
Agreed, but we are on page 99! Even the debunking of idiocy has its limits. At some point, one has to simply walk away knowing the person has a mental distorted which makes them incapable of understanding rational thought, otherwise you would spend you entire life trying to convince idiots that are idiots!
Like you have ;-)

He's never come back with any "proof" yet, so I think he may dodge that particular bullet again.
I was answering a request from someone else to explain why one of his ideas was bollocks.

I’d take my chances to see if he dodged it. Hell, at this point I’d happily be the trigger man! ;-)
Agreed, but we are on page 99! Even the debunking of idiocy has its limits. At some point, one has to simply walk away knowing the person has a mental distorted which makes them incapable of understanding rational thought, otherwise you would spend you entire life trying to convince idiots that are idiots!
Actually this stuff doesn't wind me up so I've found the thread amusing.

It's not Hodge and his ilk I'm trying to convince mate, it's more about convincing the people that there's some hope for that he's talking shite. Arguments for the purpose of a third party.
Airplanes don’t fly “level” with the horizon at any height in normal flight, they fly with their nose in the air. Also, they don’t fly at a specific altitude, they follow a PRESSURE ALTITUDE, such that they follow an altitude given a constant pressure of 29.92 inHg. That can have them going up and down while seemingly staying “level,” so this “nose dip” nonsense is just that...nonsense!

Maybe Hodge can be introduced to a sniper? Hodge can try to prove there is no centrifugal force or gravity or curvature of the earth and any other of the bollocks he claims, by EITHER talking to him about these things OR letting the sniper prove it by trying to shoot him using his known inputs to compensate for the curvature of the earth over long distances.....

Either way, we will learn something...and Hodge’s epiphany will be his last thought!

Oh, and I can’t believe anyone is wasting oxygen on this bullshit after he has made it clear that there is no evidence good enough to convince him!
Sorry mate, but that's just ballistics.
I have no anger issues, I have issues with the certifiably stupid, that's all.
Why have issues with the stupid? That is purely and simply what it is. If someone chooses to believe against all evidence that 2+2 =5 that the earth is flat or that Phil Jones can play football all you can do is point out the contrary evidence. He is either a fool or a troll one isn't worth arguing with the other cannot be corrected because they are too stupid.
If I post something with a 1st class stamp, how does the letter know to travel that bit faster than if I use a 2nd class stamp?

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