Brian Cox

He's made the bag packers bit up. Never heard anyone call it The Aldi either.
I have heard it called that in Hull.

Didn't think the bag packers bit was true tbh, if Aldi are happy to have one checkout open and a queue reaching the back wall of the shop I can't see them paying people to pack bags.
Fucking idiot. The earth isn’t spinning. It’s just moving upwards as well they know at the flat Earth society. Why would a disk spin?
You never played frisbee, or thrown a discus, or watched some vinyl on a turntable? Discs spin.

On another point: Has Hodge actually said what shape he believes the earth to be? He keeps saying he doesn't believe in the spinning sphere, but has he put forward an alternative?
You never played frisbee, or thrown a discus, or watched some vinyl on a turntable? Discs spin.

On another point: Has Hodge actually said what shape he believes the earth to be? He keeps saying he doesn't believe in the spinning sphere, but has he put forward an alternative?
Nah. That would require some thought (other than a paranoid one) and "resurch".
You never played frisbee, or thrown a discus, or watched some vinyl on a turntable? Discs spin.

On another point: Has Hodge actually said what shape he believes the earth to be? He keeps saying he doesn't believe in the spinning sphere, but has he put forward an alternative?
He also hasn't answered (amongst many other points) how old he thinks the earth to be. That on it's own would answer a great many questions about him.
You never played frisbee, or thrown a discus, or watched some vinyl on a turntable? Discs spin.
We at the flat earth society do not accept the evidence of our own eyes, it's far too easily altered and faked. Besides, if it span, we'd all fall over, don't tell me you believe in this gravity bollocks.
Most of the flat earth crowd reckon 6,000 years. Read their website and forum, I posted the link, it's a good laugh.
By the end of the third line I was ready to try and stick a boathook up my left nostril (I'm left handed), and had to switch it off before running out of the room in fits of hysterical laughter.
Interesting that this 6000 year theory is also shared by many religious groups, who have, apparently,added up the ages of people in the Bible from Adam to JC to come up with this figure. Included in this is Methuselah, who was apparently 969 years old. I once tried to get a definitive answer from Jehovah's Witnesses (shit, I said Jehovah!!) but their reply made no sense whatsover.

Over to you, @hodge .
By the end of the third line I was ready to try and stick a boathook up my left nostril (I'm left handed), and had to switch it off before running out of the room in fits of hysterical laughter.
Interesting that this 6000 year theory is also shared by many religious groups, who have, apparently,added up the ages of people in the Bible from Adam to JC to come up with this figure. Included in this is Methuselah, who was apparently 969 years old. I once tried to get a definitive answer from Jehovah's Witnesses (shit, I said Jehovah!!) but their reply made no sense whatsover.

Over to you, @hodge .
Methuselah was reptilian though ;)

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