Brian Cox

I find it crazy that you feel I have to explain myself. I you are genuinely interested then I would be willing to talk to you about new findings that help support my non spinning ball earth. Unfortunately using my phone to communicate on this forum is not ideal, and yes I'm not a tech geek when it comes to communicating.

I don't feel that you have to explain yourself, far from it, but when you fire up a debate about Mr Cox with your views about the Earth being flat then surely a few nuggets from you about why you feel this way, wouldn't go amiss.
I don't feel that you have to explain yourself, far from it, but when you fire up a debate about Mr Cox with your views about the Earth being flat then surely a few nuggets from you about why you feel this way, wouldn't go amiss.
Simply put I didn't start anything, I merely replied to a post from stonerblue regarding his friend believing that the earth to not be a spinning ball. Since then I've taken flack from all sides.
Simply put I didn't start anything, I merely replied to a post from stonerblue regarding his friend believing that the earth to not be a spinning ball. Since then I've taken flack from all sides.

don't you see mate that your belief is at such odds with conventional belief that people would like some sort of an explanation to why to think this way and moreover the evidence for such belief
Simply put I didn't start anything, I merely replied to a post from stonerblue regarding his friend believing that the earth to not be a spinning ball. Since then I've taken flack from all sides.
To be fair, aside from wanting you shot yesterday, I’ve been very civil, answered your questions and am still awaiting the same.
like the way you are cherry picking who you answer to, are you going to explain how we get day and night without spinning?
I'm not cherry picking anything. Day and night. If you accept that the sun travels over a flat earth just like the moon and stars. The sun may well be a lot closer and smaller than you thought, edging further north during summer and then further south during winter.

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