Brian Cox

I'm not cherry picking anything. Day and night. If you accept that the sun travels over a flat earth just like the moon and stars. The sun may well be a lot closer and smaller than you thought, edging further north during summer and then further south during winter.
How do you get a sunrise and sunset on a flat plane?
I'm not cherry picking anything. Day and night. If you accept that the sun travels over a flat earth just like the moon and stars. The sun may well be a lot closer and smaller than you thought, edging further north during summer and then further south during winter.

so are you telling me we do not orbit the sun, and that the sun moves forward and backwards to and from us, sorry if i misunderstand you
it doesn't explain day and night though
don't you see mate that your belief is at such odds with conventional belief that people would like some sort of an explanation to why to think this way and moreover the evidence for such belief
Again that is not a concern of mine, if people are at odds with people having an alternative belief then that's there problem. If they really are concerned then take a step back and look into the debate instead of knee jerk reactions.
Again that is not a concern of mine, if people are at odds with people having an alternative belief then that's there problem. If they really are concerned then take a step back and look into the debate instead of knee jerk reactions.

but you are not entering into any serious debate, you agreed to something and haven't backed it up with any evidence just some soundbites
How do you get a sunrise and sunset on a flat plane?
It could well be that if the sun is a lot smaller and closer as it travels west it merely dissappears like the vanishing point. If you were to follow the sun you would always be in daylight. Like I've said I used to believe in the spinning earth and the sun was 93 million miles away.
The sun may well be a lot closer and smaller than you thought, edging further north during summer and then further south during winter.
But it can’t be smaller otherwise it would have burnt out in the last 4 billion years as its mass wouldn’t have sustained nuclear fusion.
There’s some 3D images of Earth and the sun and moon showing what some of these nut jobs believe
Look mate I'm not asking you to believe me or anybody. This is quite simply something that I find fascinating if it offends you then turn off.
It could well be that if the sun is a lot smaller and closer as it travels west it merely dissappears like the vanishing point. If you were to follow the sun you would always be in daylight. Like I've said I used to believe in the spinning earth and the sun was 93 million miles away.
Why do boats disappear from the bottom down as they move away over the horizon?

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