
avoidconfusion said:
M35 Blue said:
1. I was stating what half a dozen others were getting at in the thread and what I have been told a few times off people on here.
2. If you do know people then why start threads on a board with things like this <a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=107314&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a</a>
3. Bit of advice, dont go banding peoples names about on the 'net
4. Prove me wrong about what everyone is saying then.

This. Especially that part about your strange post about needing help because people are after you, which happened to coincide with the time at which you were sussed out on citymancs.

Sussed out about what? im not this bloody Toffe guy ive seen his posts on that other forum and he is posting some utter tripe!

I'm Gina not Dave, iv'e invited 2 ppl on this forum to my house they know who they are! Some on here have gone to some lengths checking my ip addy wtf? mine and Daves will be the same! obviously you were dissapointed to find out Toffe face has a different ip!

Stop being inspector morse and enjoy the boards as City fans, if it makes ppl feel better i'll not post anymore as not to upset anyone, i suppose it stops pm's going on behind my back with sly digs which have been happening for sometime!

Thank you to those of you who have kindly pm'ed me after seeing the insults and digs aimed at me on this board.

M35 blue i do appologise im just frustrated so please accept my appologies.
Gina said:
avoidconfusion said:
M35 Blue said:
1. I was stating what half a dozen others were getting at in the thread and what I have been told a few times off people on here.
2. If you do know people then why start threads on a board with things like this <a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=107314&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a</a>
3. Bit of advice, dont go banding peoples names about on the 'net
4. Prove me wrong about what everyone is saying then.

This. Especially that part about your strange post about needing help because people are after you, which happened to coincide with the time at which you were sussed out on citymancs.

enjoy the boards as City fans, .

See we agree on something :-)
The reason I written my original comment was coz I was pissed off, wrong I know for that I apologise to.
Know you've broke the exclusive 'Hughes wasnt appointed by ADUG', I'm very impressed as this was obviously a top secret (the fact he was appointed months prior to their involvement with City didnt give this away) what I want to know is did ADUG appoint Joe Royle?
TheMightyQuinn said:
Know you've broke the exclusive 'Hughes wasnt appointed by ADUG', I'm very impressed as this was obviously a top secret (the fact he was appointed months prior to their involvement with City didnt give this away) what I want to know is did ADUG appoint Joe Royle?

What a funny man you are, please take your mic and join the rest of the jokers on stage!

or stand in the 3rd lane of the m60!

Gina said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Know you've broke the exclusive 'Hughes wasnt appointed by ADUG', I'm very impressed as this was obviously a top secret (the fact he was appointed months prior to their involvement with City didnt give this away) what I want to know is did ADUG appoint Joe Royle?

What a funny man you are, please take your mic and join the rest of the jokers on stage!

or stand in the 3rd lane of the m60!


Just shut up already with your wannabe ITK crap for crying out loud.
avoidconfusion said:
Gina said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Know you've broke the exclusive 'Hughes wasnt appointed by ADUG', I'm very impressed as this was obviously a top secret (the fact he was appointed months prior to their involvement with City didnt give this away) what I want to know is did ADUG appoint Joe Royle?

What a funny man you are, please take your mic and join the rest of the jokers on stage!

or stand in the 3rd lane of the m60!


Just shut up already with your wannabe ITK crap for crying out loud.

You are one of the worst! you have to make yourself look big and hard trying to bully someone for your own self-esteem what a idiot!!

Hi i'm avoidconfusion i have a small dick can i join the pack of wolves and be in your gang ffs liven yourself up man!
Ducado said:
Why do you insult me I don't you?

And for your infomation I have never said anything of the sort on a public forum

You’re a spiteful, spineless man. You had absolutely no proof as to whether your suspicions were correct yet you posted them anyway, along with insults, on at least two forums. Even a child would have been able to work out who you were talking about. Then you sat back while others carried it on for you.

Not naming names doesn’t make you a paragon of virtue like you appear to believe – it just means you’re a gutless troublemaker. Whether you’re right or wrong is irrelevant.
I believe nothing you write about city anymore gina or whoever you are its all fantasy and attention seeking IMO
I believe nothing you write about city anymore gina or whoever you are its all fantasy and attention seeking IMO

Simple dont read, it appears a few of you are deciples following the god that be Ducado on some sort of mission!

You have never met me how can you pass judgement? the irony. If it makes you feel better and helps you sleep at night i couldnt give a flying fook what you or any other of theese sheep think!
Oh dear of the mods please delete this pathetic thread...

Gina - it's dead simply. If you don't want the abuse....don't turn up out of the blue and post some vague crap about Hughes/City/Bridge....

Smacks of attention seeking.

Not sure why Ducado deserves so much abuse...I, like him, find ITK to be attention seekers in the main...and 100% of them have so far been proven to be 100% full of shite...

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