Brief History of the Universe

'Damocles' was a sycophant in Classical Greek times, meaning of sycophant is Insincere flatterer; an infomer (grass). In early Greek times without a police force litigants (sycophants) pursued zealously prosecutions many unjustly. 'Damocles' a term for serving a superior by flattery.

Just saying like.
'Damocles' was a sycophant in Classical Greek times, meaning of sycophant is Insincere flatterer; an infomer (grass). In early Greek times without a police force litigants (sycophants) pursued zealously prosecutions many unjustly. 'Damocles' a term for serving a superior by flattery.

Not strictly true but close enough. And yes, you've understood the 7 year old joke.
'Damocles' was a sycophant in Classical Greek times, meaning of sycophant is Insincere flatterer; an infomer (grass). In early Greek times without a police force litigants (sycophants) pursued zealously prosecutions many unjustly. 'Damocles' a term for serving a superior by flattery.

Just saying like.
Do you know what a bogey is?
Have you been on here for that long?
Look at his join date. January 14th 2009

2009 - year 1
2010 - 2
2011 - 3
2012 - 4
2013 - 5
2014 - 6
2015 - 7

At worst 6 years 7 months 8 days.

That's closer to 7 years than 6.

Apologies for answering but I like figures.
No my user name is from another term but yes it is dry mucusy. But I am sure no one wants to discuss snot so back to your universe theories.
Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space.
Interesting to see that some particles seize to exist when not being observed but then pop in to existence as soon as an eye ball or a laboratory viewing instrument is being used. To quote some one else it is as if they know when there being observed and reality only exists when we look at it, Which then leads to does the universe seen to us by viewing instruments or the eyeball only exist in our minds and if there was no eyeballs or viewing instruments would the universe seize to exist in its physical form and just be waves of particles not existing unless looked up on?

Also another interesting point about quantum physics is if you zoomed in to your hand on a single atom level it would be the same as if you was viewing the stars from earth that would be the kind of space between each atom that makes us, all of our senses make us interpret objects as physical but in reality they are not.

In summary, for a typical human of 70 kg, there are almost 7*1027 atoms (that's a 7 followed by 27 zeros!) Another way of saying this is "seven billion billion billion." Of this, almost 2/3 is hydrogen, 1/4 is oxygen, and about 1/10 is carbon. These three atoms add up to 99% of the total!

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