Bring the Poznan back!!

paulchapo said:
When we were shit,i mean really shit,the fans did their own thing.It was crap on the pitch so we did the ''Stand up if you love City'' song which spread all around the ground,then followed it up by singing all the songs,anything to entertain ourselves as it wasn't happening on the field.

The players from both teams and the opposition fans were amazed.You could see them looking at us and thinking,''What the fuck??''

A lot of times it galvanised the team into action.It was City humour and pride at it's best and THIS is what i want back!

Sure we may be gutted when it is not going to plan,when it looks like we are doing the ''Typical City'' shit again and shooting ourselves in the foot.When the rags are laughing and gloating all around.So fucking what!!

We have had 35 years of it and stood tall and proud and earned the respect of fans worldwide for our loyal humorous support throughout.

Stop feeling sorry for ourselves,sitting with head in our hands,sobbing on tv.Stand up,sing,laugh and roar them on from now until the end of the season and beyond.Come on Blues get our spirit and soul back!!

well said!
fergal_oc said:
I'm in block 22 row 15 on Sunday and I'll be doing it by myself when the players come on to the pitch if I have to! If you're nearby please join in :)

Block 22, Row 9, I'll be doing it as well!!
S.H.R.E.K. yeh we are an English (team) and not Polish BUT we are the ONLY English team to do the Poznan (and that includes Celtic)
consider the world wide fan base that would love to join in the ponzan, do it for everyone who cant be there, most importantly if vinnie and lescott are asking for the ponzan support.... why would we not listen to them?
I just want a massive show of support and loyalty no matter what happens between now and the end of the season.Sure we can go home,smash the house up,rant and rave on here,but at the matches with the whole world watching and waiting to mock,i want us to stick the proverbial two fingers up at the sniping bastards!

Sing louder,laugh harder,show humour and fuck them!
When teams score against us now they all attempt it
So we are not letting it go because of this
Well it is definitely time to show them how its done
LET'S ALL DO THE POZNAN we just need a goal to get it going again

6 games of enjoyment now lads, maybe wins will follow
Good to see the Poznan back tonight. It helps with the atmosphere and is a bit of fun,which is what going to the footy is all about. Let's keep it going until the end of the season and ignore the dullards.

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