British jihadists killed in RAF drone strike

There biggest weapon is actually numbskulls like you who don't seem to understand we have laws and principles that we try and force on other country's, to uphold these and break them when we feel like gives these terrorist justification for commiting atrocities against the West.
"numbskull" haha you bellend. They kill men, woman and children, rape pre teens and you are outraged that 2 of them who openly threatened to kill British citizens have been killed. You absolute embarassment of a man.
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I agree good on him. However what happens is that this decision will creep until he (or someone else who is PM) decides that they can kill a british citizen on foreign soil who's threat to the UK might not be so easily proved.
Is the correct answer.

No one should be mourning this particular scumbag but it's more than a little concerning that our supposedly democratic government is so willing to turn a blind eye to the rule of law. One day they'll end up doing this and the scenario won't be anywhere near as cut and dried as it was in this case. It's a slippery old slope when people so readily accept (and even champion) the government's role as judge, jury and executioner.
How do we hold them to law when they've illegally joined a terrorist organisation overseas?

If it wasn't for the cunts like ISIS in Syria, then little babies wouldn't be washing up on European shores.

Your sort of right, though Syria was a basket case and the refugee camps existed long before ISIS got involved, but as it stands a British citizen in Syria is not accountable to our law, unless we ignore our laws as in this case

Not sure anyone is particularly sad here that this unsavory individual is dead, but you think what we have done here is going to stop extremism or promote it?

I reckon we are more at risk today of a terrorist attack than we were before the drone strike
"numbskull" haha you bellend. They kill men, woman and children, rape pre teens and you are outraged that 2 of them who openly threatened to kill British citizens have been killed. You absolute embarassment of a man.

No, im outraged we have removed ourselves from the rule of law and are thus barbarians
There biggest weapon is actually numbskulls like you who don't seem to understand we have laws and principles that we try and force on other country's, to uphold these and break them when we feel like gives these terrorist justification for commiting atrocities against the West.

Bluehammer85 I sincerely hope that if a terrorist attack happens in this country, it is not your mother/father/brother/sister/son/daughter that is killed or maimed, just as I would hope the same for any member of this forum or indeed any British or even worldwide citizen.

The trouble is, this individual chose to go on social media and to create hate and to recruit people to cause death and suffering to others.
The evidence was there for all to see and he got exactly what he deserved.
No point in intellectualising this.

Someone swearing allegiance to a stinking overseas terrorist oganisation is a "British citizen" in name only. If the alternative is capturing him alive, bringing him over here and feeding the yooman rights industry gold coins for the next five years, then fcuk that.

The guy was a cnut.

Now he's a dead cnut.

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