British jihadists killed in RAF drone strike

I posted this on here a few weeks ago. Nobody responded.
I'd argue that a missile isn't a bomb, so the strike isn't prohibited.

I was thinking more along the lines of it not requiring any British military personnel within the borders of the country the attack took place in.
No point in intellectualising this.

Someone swearing allegiance to a stinking overseas terrorist oganisation is a "British citizen" in name only. If the alternative is capturing him alive, bringing him over here and feeding the yooman rights industry gold coins for the next five years, then fcuk that.

The guy was a cnut.

Now he's a dead cnut.

As blunt as that is, there are times when Queensbury Rules go out the window. It's not like this is anything new - it was posted on here yesterday about the 3 IRA terrorists that were taken out in Gibraltar 27 years ago by the SAS and if they hadn't been then we'd have probably been looking at dozens of dead civilians instead. Funnily enough, I remember at the time there was similar pontificating from the bleeding heart liberals about how wrong it all was but high-profile incidents like that actually paved the way for the peace process some years later. I doubt the same will happen this time round because ISIS are a completely different animal but if our government has intelligence that a terrorist act is imminent and they know who is behind it then action needs to be taken. Imagine the outrage if they'd done nothing despite having evidence and it coming back to bite in the form of a terrorist act at a later date? Damned if we do, damned if we don't it seems.

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