British woman who fled to Syria wants to return to UK

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She says she was never a supporter of ISIS but she took her 5 children to Syria to see their dad (who has joined ISIS) because she was struggling to manage the school run without him. Who the fuck would take 5 children to a war zone like that because they are struggling with the school run?

I think you're being unduly harsh and that goes for stupid Guardian byline on your post.

The 'school run' is one of the things she's talking about that was a family routine that is suddenly no longer there and the unit was breaking down. It's understandable that she wanted to be with her husband, but the lifestyle was something she could no longer subject the children to.

It's better to read the article before passing judgement.
Anyone who takes their children into a war zone voluntarily is not fit to be a parent.
I don't need to read a sob story in the Guardian to know that. Bring her back and remove the children from her care and bang her up for life.
I'd rather a Syrian family trying to escape the civil war came here rather than have her back. She's made her bed.
Flights must have cost a fortune alone, find it mindblowing a mum would subject her children to that over trying to find their dad. School runs were hard? Least they had a school unlike the poor kids in Syria.

Just does not add up.
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