Brown stepping down - What now? [Merged]

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Re: Brown to stand down

brown has been a wankstain on the face of britain,i do however applaud his premiership for one reason.
the smoking ban.
i still piss my sides at smokers outside cafe's pub etc in the rain.

thanks Gord.
ps if dave recinds it i'll be well mad, a lot richer but well mad.
Re: Brown to stand down

Skashion said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
However, as things stand Stalin looks a decent option.

I sincerely hope you're taking the piss.

Largely. Although he'd be no worse than Cameron.

I'm all about peace and love but some people are too far gone to be trusted so they need removing. It's all about humanity for me, if you have it then you can stay, if you lack it then you're given 6months to learn how to be human.<br /><br />-- Mon May 10, 2010 9:32 pm --<br /><br />
de niro said:
brown has been a wankstain on the face of britain,i do however applaud his premiership for one reason.
the smoking ban.
i still piss my sides at smokers outside cafe's pub etc in the rain.

thanks Gord.
ps if dave recinds it i'll be well mad, a lot richer but well mad.

Lets hope you're pissing your sides as your family has to sell all your much loved assets as you go into old age not being able to afford health care.
Re: Brown to stand down

TheMightyQuinn said:
It's black and white for me. Hitler had some good ideas to be fair to the man but his insistence on killing Jewish people makes him a twat. The Tories are the enemy of the working class. I am working class. Therefore I can not support them.

So, if a party supports us all moving to the Moon without oxygen but are "Working Class" then you would vote for them?

New Labour are NOT Socialist.

They have done some things that I agree with and welcome (National Minimum Wage, The Irish agreement to name but two) but I could never agree with their stance on massive immigration (which was ridiculous, and I had to deal with it on the front line. And I was one of the moderates on that one), their determination to draw us into a War that we had no right to be in, their complete SLEAZE with the expenses matters (where they completely seemed to forget us, the "working class") and finally, the sheer arrogance from Day One. Oh, and the determination to scrap Clause 4 (probably the first thing that showed this party were never Socialists).
They will never be Socialists. They are Tory lite.

And that is why they were elected in 1997.

And why they have fallen now.
Re: Brown to stand down

Conservatives have today changed their emblem to celebrate their receint victory in the general election to a condom as it more accurately reflects the governments political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you are actually being fucked!!
But still strongly believes that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer welcome to the tory wonderland (not)
Re: Brown to stand down

TheMightyQuinn said:
Largely. Although he'd be no worse than Cameron.

I'm all about peace and love but some people are too far gone to be trusted so they need removing. It's all about humanity for me, if you have it then you can stay, if you lack it then you're given 6months to learn how to be human.

What do you mean by 'removing'? Removing in a Stalinist sense of simply having someone killed and then erasing them from history? Would the likes of de niro or bb2.0 be removed?
Re: Brown to stand down

mackenzie said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
It's black and white for me. Hitler had some good ideas to be fair to the man but his insistence on killing Jewish people makes him a twat. The Tories are the enemy of the working class. I am working class. Therefore I can not support them.

So, if a party supports us all moving to the Moon without oxygen but are "Working Class" then you would vote for them?

New Labour are NOT Socialist.

They have done some things that I agree with and welcome (National Minimum Wage, The Irish agreement to name but two) but I could never agree with their stance on massive immigration (which was ridiculous, and I had to deal with it on the front line. And I was one of the moderates on that one), their determination to draw us into a War that we had no right to be in, their complete SLEAZE with the expenses matters (where they completely seemed to forget us, the "working class") and finally, the sheer arrogance from Day One. Oh, and the determination to scrap Clause 4 (probably the first thing that showed this party were never Socialists).
They will never be Socialists. They are Tory lite.

And that is why they were elected in 1997.

And why they have fallen now.

No. I wouldn't vote for them but I wouldn't run to the tories either!

When City lose I don't go to Old Trafford. When my girlfriend pisses me off I don't go and shag her sister.

Politics is about more than party politics, it's about how a human conducts themselves.

New Labour are/were a joke. I agree. However, give me 'left wing lite' over the return of Thatcherism anyday.
Re: Brown to stand down

allan harper said:
Conservatives have today changed their emblem to celebrate their receint victory in the general election to a condom as it more accurately reflects the governments political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you are actually being fucked!!
But still strongly believes that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer welcome to the tory wonderland (not)

Would you like to enlighten the forum on social mobility under Labour? You may be surprised to learn that Social Mobility has always increased under the Tories, and got worse under the Labour, the truth be known it is in the Socialists interests to keep people poor and dependant on benefits.

And would you further like to inform the forum of the inflation rate prior to Mrs Thatcher coming to power?

We await with baited breath!
Re: Brown to stand down

Am I the only one who thinks that capitalism has had it's day? It's been on it's arse for ages now.

Whenever one mentions communism you always get the 'witty' response 'well it's never worked in Russia' blah blah blah but has capitalism worked?

Has it? I mean, I have an Ipod which is great, it makes me feel just like Paris Hilton but am I the only one who thinks that perhaps there is more to life?

I'm off in a few years to take drugs in exotic locations whilst helping out the millions of capitalism victims across the world.
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