Brown stepping down - What now? [Merged]

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Re: Brown to stand down

mackenzie said:
They have done some things that I agree with and welcome (National Minimum Wage, The Irish agreement to name but two)
Agree with your plusses, add to that the assistance they have given to our pensioners with the winter fuel allowance and free tv license's and the extension of free bus passes. and as you infer their are still a lot more success's but I could go on all day, but...
mackenzie said:
but I could never agree with their stance on massive immigration (which was ridiculous, and I had to deal with it on the front line. And I was one of the moderates on that one),
There is clearly a problem, however none of our parties, not even the right wing tories have had the bottle to tackle it (they were'nt doing a lot about it last time they were in power). They are all too worried about being labelled racist.
mackenzie said:
their determination to draw us into a War that we had no right to be in,
Like it or not any other administration would have led us into these wars aswell, The tories in particular have never been shy of a good war
mackenzie said:
their complete SLEAZE with the expenses matters (where they completely seemed to forget us, the "working class")
I forget now was it a Labour MP that claimed for his moat to be cleaned, was it a labour MP that claimed for a duck house??? Can anyone enlighten me, because to be honest I thought they were ALL at it (the theiving bastards)
mackenzie said:
and finally, the sheer arrogance from Day One. Oh, and the determination to scrap Clause 4 (probably the first thing that showed this party were never Socialists).
One I can't really argue with I suppose but then if you come out of 15 years of Tories into a New Labour administration expecting them to be 'Socialist' then I'm not surprised you feel let down

Cheesy said:
Cheeses of Nazareth said:
Are these the same people who have been brainwashed into thinking that Gordon Brown is responsible for the global recession?

He was quick enough to claim responsibility for the global boom..
Can you produce one, just one quote where he actually lays any claim whatsoever for being responsible for the global boom

On another point, Well Done Skashion, at last someone with a clear understanding of how our constitution works. Cheesy, it doesn't matter that 'millions of people do vote that way', if they do, then its their tough shit. When I put my X in a box, its wasn't for Cameron, Brown, Clegg or whoever, it was for the candidate and the party they represent. The election rules were set out before we all went to the polls, you can't seek to change the game now.
Re: Brown to stand down

i reckon clegg is holding out for the pm's job, everyone knows the labour party wouldn't know a pm if one stared them in the face, not since john smith anyway.
cam is the one, nearest thing to thatchers in years.
Re: Brown to stand down

de niro said:
i reckon clegg is holding out for the pm's job, everyone knows the labour party wouldn't know a pm if one stared them in the face, not since john smith anyway.
cam is the one, nearest thing to thatchers in years.

HaHa, precisely why I want that slimy c*** nowhere near number 10
Re: Brown to stand down

she is my all time hero, my god we would'nt be in the shit we are now, oh i forgot its all global.

its global how many prisoners are released early to re-offend.

its global how many immigrants are allowed in our country

its global how many stealth taxes are introduced

its global how knife crime has inceased

its global the way the benefit society has mushroomed.

labour , con or other when we recover it will not be global it will be Gords policies finally taking shape as britain "buck the trend"
like fuck it will.

even now the scum that they are labour can't accept that the country doesn't want them.

i can only assume they are rags.deluded and spent.
Re: Brown to stand down

de niro said:
she is my all time hero, my god we would'nt be in the shit we are now, oh i forgot its all global.

its global how many prisoners are released early to re-offend.

its global how many immigrants are allowed in our country

its global how many stealth taxes are introduced

its global how knife crime has inceased

its global the way the benefit society has mushroomed.

labour , con or other when we recover it will not be global it will be Gords policies finally taking shape as britain "buck the trend"
like fuck it will.

even now the scum that they are labour can't accept that the country doesn't want them.

i can only assume they are rags.deluded and spent.

Agree with everything here, but be careful Bill, the liberals will demand you be stripped of Mod status, like the free-willed warriors they are....
Re: Brown to stand down

S.E.H said:
de niro said:
she is my all time hero, my god we wouldn't be in the shit we are now, oh i forgot its all global.

its global how many prisoners are released early to re-offend.

its global how many immigrants are allowed in our country

its global how many stealth taxes are introduced

its global how knife crime has increased

its global the way the benefit society has mushroomed.

labour , con or other when we recover it will not be global it will be Gords policies finally taking shape as britain "buck the trend"
like fuck it will.

even now the scum that they are labour can't accept that the country doesn't want them.

i can only assume they are rags.deluded and spent.

Agree with everything here, but be careful Bill, the liberals will demand you be stripped of Mod status, like the free-willed warriors they are....

i've checked,i'm a global moderator.
Re: Brown to stand down

de niro said:
S.E.H said:
Agree with everything here, but be careful Bill, the liberals will demand you be stripped of Mod status, like the free-willed warriors they are....

i've checked,i'm a global moderator.

Standard, well played
Re: Brown to stand down

de niro said:
its global how many immigrants are allowed in our country

its global how many stealth taxes are introduced

its global the way the benefit society has mushroomed.

So the tories are calling for EU immigration to stop are they? Their quota will apply to EU immigrants will it? Ah, but no doubt you'll say if Thatcher were here, we wouldn't even be in the EU... That'll be why she signed the Single European Act will it?

The trend towards increases in indirect taxation and decreases in direct taxation started under Thatcher and continued under New Labour. Probably one of the reasons why she said New Labour was her crowning achievement. But let's neglect that quote and also the ones where she praised Blair.

Another policy which started under Thatcher. Three to five million (3.6 official) unemployed during her premiership. Were these people not given welfare then? Well, yes they were. Welfare spending rose every year under her premiership from 1979 to 1988 and did not return to 1979 levels (as a % of GDP) until after her premiership had ended. Major then started the incapacity malarky we have today which is used to hide real unemployment. New Labour haven't made the situation much better but it's hard to see how they've made it worse.

Don't let facts get in the way of your blinkered party-political goggles though.
Re: Brown to stand down

for the "progressive " bit of alliance to work there has to be pr

tories insignificant forever once it happens

come on it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to crush the maggot brained inbreds forever

PR general election announced now
fucking do it
Re: Brown to stand down

The one thing that pissed me off about labour was there promise to get tough on crime which they failed miserably. that's an understatement as well.
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