Brown stepping down - What now? [Merged]

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Daviesmcfc said:
depps said:
So you didn't go to a state school I guess that means somebody else paid for your education though so lucky you.

When you got the sniffles as a kid you we're paying for BUPA too?

Your taxes aren't paying for benefits cheats, they are paying for others to have opportunities similar to those you have had to get along in life and make something of themselves. Maybe you haven't had to make use of those services provided by the state but that more than likely means you we're lucky enough to have parents who could afford to provide that opportunity for you. Not everyone is in such a lucky position.
He's rich why should he give a crap about anyone else?
All that matters is that his money is protected, screw the poor people who are not as lucky.

All that matters is that the rich can become richer.

I am not rich as I stated before but lie all you want. After 13 years of it from our "leaders", it must be ingrained.
ElanJo said:
Skashion said:
Yeah, country and its economic system, football; same thing.

Capitalism has ZERO justification unless those who benefit from it subsidise the services which allow people to earn their way to the top. If there is no basic provision of education and health care, a welfare state, then the meritocracy which capitalism must be based on to be justified, does not exist. Right now, the United Kingdom has one of the lowest rates of social mobility in the developed world and it's something this country should be ashamed of and doing everything within its power to improve.

First of all, do you have anything to support the assertion that for capitalism to be justified everyone must have money taken off them to pay for state education, welfare etc.? I just don't see it. The force used, that you're promoting, needs to be justified if anything.

Secondly, how can capitalism be based on merit when Government involvement in the market means that capitalism becomes 'capitOlism' - ie. where business decisions become aimed at gaining state granted monopolies and other favours instead of offering the customers the best possible ?

Capitalism is as close to a meritocracy as you're likely going to get because the customer, looking at a free and open market, determines who merits their business. All we need to do is actually gain capitalism and get rid of this capitol-ism or corporatism which is masquerading under the name "Capitalism"

I agree with your last sentence and that's one reason why I think you're wrong. A look at history will show us that the only time in which the poor were gaining wealth was when the economies were less controlled by governments. Their increase was slow (1% per year if I remember correctly) but at least it was heading in the right direction... unlike now, when governments all around the world are increasingly involved in the economy.

Rawls' veil of ignorance and Theory of Justice perhaps? Envision this: You're born into an unequal society but have no control over what position in that society you would hold. Every person has an equal vote in what should be allowed to happen in the society, still not knowing their position. Now imagine what situations that inequity would be allowed. What would they be? What conditions would you allow for that to happen? Remember, you could be a poor old schmuck in this unequal society. In fact, the probability is that is exactly what you'll be. Yet another person is born into wealth without doing anything to earn it. If that was the case, there is no way it would be allowed to happen. Such inequality would not be allowed unless everyone knew they could benefit from that inequality by earning it from the position they found themselves in to start with.

If you're going to argue that what currently passes for capitalism is not actually capitalism then I agree. However, I consider the current system capitalistic. Regardless, I was talking about actual capitalism. For the inequalities to be justified, and to assure they will not be self-perpetuating, thus assuring wealth is earned, there must be provisions which allow that to happen.

The countries with the highest social mobility, and those which have achieved the fastest improvements, are social-democratic in outlook. Those with the lowest, in the developed world, follow the Anglo-Saxon capitalistic model; crony capitalism; casino capitalism; corporatism; capitolism or whatever you want to call it.
Bigga said:
SWP's back said:
And brought the UK into the 1st world from the 3rd world. We became a golbal financial power under her.

I heard some proper sh*te in this thread, but THIS^^^^ tops the absolute lot...!!!

Then fuck you very much.
Damocles said:
SWP's back said:
And brought the UK into the 1st world from the 3rd world. We became a golbal financial power under her. (as you are boring me with the same shite - no - I do not read the Mail, nor would I ever. It is a shite paper.)

You need to read your history mate. Britain were nowhere near a 3rd world country at any point in it's history, let alone '79

Yeah, we were a bastion of employment and foreign investment. What with rubbish in the streets, unions running the place and a 3 day week, not to mention all the power cuts.

Hell yeah, we were world leaders!
Corky said:
SWP's back said:
Just a guess but you don't work in an industry that allows you any knowledge of the subject matter do you? In real terms (ie without inflation), GDP is down on 1997 levels muppet brain.

Typical Tory voter, 99% of popultaion knows that, or anyone 12 or above.

I raised it to counter the debt argument, or did America write it off after WW2?

It took 62 years to pay back.

Now don't try calling your superiors thick.

So you raised it knowing it was wrong? Why would you do that?<br /><br />-- Tue May 11, 2010 10:50 pm --<br /><br />
Daviesmcfc said:
Yeaah SWP, Britain was really a 3rd world country before Thatcher.

It was 12 years before you were born little lad.
SWP's back said:
Corky said:
Typical Tory voter, 99% of popultaion knows that, or anyone 12 or above.

I raised it to counter the debt argument, or did America write it off after WW2?

It took 62 years to pay back.

Now don't try calling your superiors thick.

So you raised it knowing it was wrong? Why would you do that?

-- Tue May 11, 2010 10:50 pm --

Daviesmcfc said:
Yeaah SWP, Britain was really a 3rd world country before Thatcher.

It was 12 years before you were born little lad.

Ok so you have no right to talk about anything that happened before you were born?

So you have no right to talk about the Holocaust then. Or ww2.
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